Being Williams little sister would include

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•Seeing Chris as Another older brother because you  Grew up together
•Having to sit in the back of his Car because Chris takes the Front seat even if you said Shot gun first.
•Him and Chris being over protective older brothers
•Him treating you like a five-year-old
•Not liking nikolai at all
•Having weird names for one another In your phones
•Not letting you have a boyfriend Or go on dates
•Him And Chris giving your Embarrassing and cuteNicknames like princess, baby, mini me,shorty little magnusson nugget,midget,geek,snowflake,munchkin,missy,firecracker and kiddo
•Them using the nicknames in front of your friends and their friends to embarrass you
•you having some nicknames for him to like giant, big bro,big dork,asshat, geek, bubby  and chipmunk.
•The penetrators not being allowed to hook up with you or date you
•Being in a group chat with them and sending them Memes all the time
•Them acting like it's annoying but secretly loving it
•Seeing Noora as an Older sister once she and William get together
•You having to sleep at a friends house When he throws parties
•Not being allowed to go to parties but crashing  Them anyways
•Not being allowed to drink Alcohol
•But doing it anyways
•Being one of the only people who sees him smile
•Having movie night with him and Chris that ends with all of you falling asleep on the couch
•Him using your head as an armrest to annoy you
•You randomly jumping on his back and making him give you a piggyback rides
•Stealing his food
•And his clothes
•Also stealing his car to go on Joyriders And him getting mad at you but forgiving you anyways
•Him making you food whenever you want
•Letting you braid his hair
•Having a lot of embarrassing photos and stories about him and Chris
•Trying to blackmail them with the photos and stories but them Having just as many photos and stories about you
•Not liking the girls that pretend to like your brother
•Getting used to Chris always being Over at yours
•You sometimes end up sleeping in his bed because you're either scared or can't go to sleep
• and him not having a problem with it and thinking it is really really cute that you still sometimes need your big brother
•if it is late at night and he hears you knocking on his door or saying his name he will just lift the covers to signal you that you can sleep in his bed if you need
•Him feeling like he has to be the parent and trying to go to ground you and give you a curfew
•You not giving a damn about either Because even if you're younger them him it is your life after all
•This leading to fights but you guys always make up in the end because You understand that he just wants to protect you and make sure you are safe
•If you do get a boyfriend him and Chris scaring the living shit out of him and interrogating him
•If your boyfriend breaks your heart him and Chris comforting you and making you feel better by having a Disney  Marathon with you
•And afterwords when you're asleep on the couch them going to beat The crap out of him
•Him Walking you to all your classes Your first week Of school
•All in all just being two of the closest siblings in Oslo.

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