Chapter 2

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-Your POV-

As I begin to exit the smoke filled room, I sigh in relief because I was able to make it out with a fighting chance. At first, I'll admit I was a bit skeptical about putting this armor on, but now, I feel...invincible!


After setting up a couple of barricades, I crouched behind a sturdy wooden table to take cover and prepare for their breach. I didn't feel like the odds were exactly in my favor, but I was ready to fight anyway. Then all of sudden,  a weird feeling came to me, like something was calling me. I turned back to the armor, chest still glowing bright as ever.

There's no way something like that would EVER be able to stop a barrage of bullets, or have the ability to be tactical. I'd be dead before I'd out the door.

I turned once again to the door where they'd be entering when I heard a loud noise coming from the suit. The eyes of the mask lit up the same color as the chest, then mask raised up,  and the rest of the armor opened up.

My fascination with the suit overwhelmed me enough to where I set my gun down and went over it stood open. I stared at it for a second and then I turned and slowly backed into it. As soon as I put feet into their proper placing, armor started to close back up.

Once the had enclosed me a bright screen appeared and surrounded my face. It showed me a targeting system, a flight system, weapons, and shielding all at 100 percent. I was astonished that this piece of tin was out of commission. If it works well, I can make it out. But for now, I need a new plan.

Fast forward, to where the guards break into the room, get their asses kicked, and I make out into the hallway coming face with the girls I saw earlier. They stared at me in awe before their bodies glowed for a second. When the light died down, they stood before in their Infinite Stratos armor and drew their weapons. They both had SMGs aimed right at me, while I kept a low stance and prepared to charge. I look to my screen for my weapons and all it said was 'laser', 'left repulsor', 'right repulsor', and 'chest repulsor'. Not a whole lot of options, but let's see what these repulsors can do.

Without warning, the two girls start firing on me and I lift my arms up to block. The sound bullets ricocheting off my armor got my pulse racing, helping think quickly. Using the targeting assistance, I lift my hands up and fire the repulsors back at the girls. After few shots, one of them got hit and she stopped firing. I took the opportunity to quickly dash at them. Even though one was still firing at me, I grabbed the girl in front of me and threw her into her friend. They both cried as they went flying into the concrete wall, while I run to the staircase.

I knew it wouldn't take long for those girls to recover, so I started running down the stairs as fast I could. All of a sudden, a door opened right in front of me with a bunch of guards of shocked guards staring at me. Immediately, I kicked the guard at the front and sent him flying back into his buddies. I slammed the door shut and crushed it into place, ensuring it wouldn't open.

Then, I felt a spray of bullets hitting the back of the armor. I turned and saw the two girls slowly levitating down the stairs. Returning fire, I fire my repulsors back at them before I remembered that this suit could fly too. I bring up that feature and it shows how I could fly using the repulsors. In the midst of being fired on, I moved over to the railing of the staircase. We were still up on the 20th floor, so a fall from this height would be deadly. I walk back slowly only to be shot at again while I prepare to jump. With a running start, I jump up over the guard rail, and started free falling. It wouldn't be long before I hit the bottom so I needed this to work. I put my hands to my side and the suit immediately had me flying midair. My celebration was cut short when gunfire started again.

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