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-3rd POV-

All was silent on this one summer night, with the exception of a black sedan with dark tinted windows driving on the highway. This car is on it's way towards a California Air Force base in the middle of the desert. When the car pulls up to the front gate a guard walks to the car window. He identifies the driver and allows it to pass. The car then continues forward, passing the jet hangars, the bunkers and other assorted buildings until it pulls up to probably the biggest building on the base. Once parked, the driver of the vehicle gets out and opens the back door to allow the passenger out.

The lady is greeted by another guard who welcomes her and then escorts her inside. She is approached by a nerdy looking guy who looks like he hasn't seen the light of day in quite a while.

???: Ms. Orimura, welcome back.

Ms. Orimura: Thank you Mr. Lieberman (pronounce Lee-bur-man). I came as soon as you called. What exactly is going on?

[Lieberman is from the Punisher comics and Netflix show who is also called Micro. This will come into play later.]

Lieberman: Well, about an hour ago, our computers that was scanning our little science project just suddenly started going haywire.

He walks over to one of his computers and pulls out a vile that was holding small mircochip.

Lieberman: Our engineers agree and think it may have found its host.

Ms. Orimura: Really? Who?

Lieberman: ...Well, we don't quite know that yet.

The woman just looks at him and crosses her arms.

Ms. Orimura: And why not?

Lieberman:*clears his throat* Um we're gathering and testing soldiers and staff here on the base, but so far none of them are compatible and or are refusing the test.

Ms. Orimura: Refusing?

Lieberman: W-We don't have the authority to command them to do the tests-

Ms. Orimura: Have you alerted anyone with the authority to do so?

Lieberman: Er, no.

Ms. Orimura: Well I would suggest you do so.

Lieberman: B-But they're asleep and we really shouldn't wake them unless there's an emergency.

Ms. Orimura: Mr. Lieberman, if you've found the plans to end a war, would you wait until the morning to tell your senior officers or would you want to end the war?

Lieberman: Uh, I suppose I'd want to end the war.

Ms. Orimura: Then call your superiors.

Lieberman: Right.

He walks over to his desk to pick up the phone. Ms. Orimura just holds the vile with the microchip in her hand thinking silently to herself.

Ms. Orimura:*thoughts* Who are you calling out to?

In the building behind where Ms. Orimura currently is, a lone figure dropped out of a ceiling vent onto the floor of a dark hallway. For tactical purposes, the young man was wearing a black jacket, black shirt, black pants, and a small black backpack along with a pistol holstered on his leg. As he walked pass room after room, he had walked by a window briefly and the moonlight had shown his face. He had (h/l) (h/c) hair and a pair of (e/c) to compliment his facial features. The boy appears to be about 15 or 16, but the way he handles himself is nothing less than that of a soldier.

Punisher: War Machine (Infinite Stratos x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now