Chapter Five

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Stanley jumped out of the way before Vanessa could strangle him. He knows that once she has her claws in him,he was done for.

"How dare you keep seeing that little bitch?" Vanessa yelled at him.

"What the hell are you on about woman?" Stanley shouted right back.

Meanwhile Mia was sitting in her chair enjoying the fight that was about to break. Too bad she didn't have popcorn to enjoy it with.

"I've seen the pictures. They're all over social media. How could you be so dumb as to not know what the media is saying about you cheating on me?" Vanessa cried.

"What pictures? Ness baby I have no idea what you're talking about." Stanley countered.

"What about these?" She threw a stack of photos at him.

Stanley shifted through them as he realized what has happened. The pictures were of him with an business partner's wife. He remembered that day clearly,Mr Yung had sent his wife to pick up some documents for him on more than one occasions. Mr Yung had been such a good client of Stanley's that he even went to their house for dinner on a couple occasions.

In the picture he could he seen smiling at Mrs Yung,and even hugging her in another. The way the photos were taken it looked as if Stanley was cheating on Vanessa.

As he looked at his wife,he understood what she was feeling. He got that feeling whenever he saw men ogling his wife.

He tried to explain as best as possible to her but she was having none of it. He could only give her time to cool down. He followed behind his seething wife while shooting a dirty look to a giggling Mia.

As Mia got over the drama that was her parent's life,she got back to signing the papers. A part of her -a huge part of her- was still thinking about one Jamie she met in the supermarket.

She thought of the possibility of having a relationship with him. She was scared to give herself to someone again after what happened with her last boyfriend- almost fiancée.

She was interested in him. She wanted to get to know him more. She wondered if she was lucky enough to bump into him again.

"You're doing it again." A voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

She looked up from the papers she wasn't really focusing on to see her brother Caleb standing by the door with a disapproving look on his face.

"Doing what?" She asked.

She knew exactly what he was talking about.

"That zoning out thing you've been doing all week. Still thinking about this guy you have a crush on?" Caleb teased.

"Shut up Shortbread." Mia scowled.

"So you still are thinking about him!" Caleb laughed at his sister.

"Alright tell you what,we are going out tonight to that new club that opened downtown. You need to get this guy off your head if even for a night." Caleb suggested.

Mia sat and thought about what her brother was saying. She didn't know that she was being obvious with her thoughts. She thought she was focused on her work more than her thoughts. Suddenly, she wanted to get Jamie off her head if even for a night. A small part of her though wished she would bump into him tonight.

"Fine. I'll go with you." She sighed.

"Yes!" Caleb fist pumped. "I always get what I want."

That's because you're a Warren. She thought. And Warren's always get what they want.
Mia was dressed in a tight fitting, elegant yet party looking red dress that came just at the top of her knees. She was sitting nursing a glass of scotch as she watched her young brother work his magic on the bar girl.

He seemed to catch the attention of a few other girls around but he only had eyes for the bar girl.

They've been at the club for 2 hours now and so far Caleb only spoke with her for about 15 minutes before his attention was pulled somewhere else.

Caleb was shitty company. She thought.

She watched all the couples and friends out on the dance floor enjoying themselves. She wished she was that carefree to just pick her self up and dance without a care in the world.

Her ex broke that part of her. Before him,she would dance like no one's watching,drink like a fish and party like parties were going out of style. She had the responsibility of the company looming over her but she didn't let that stop her. She still enjoyed herself while being a kick ass boss.

She was brought of her thoughts as someone that looked oddly familiar passed her peripheral. She stared at the person's back wishing for them to turn around. She recognized the mop of brown hair styled messily to give it that 'I just rolled outta bed' look.

And then he turned to face her.

She gasped lightly as his green eyes met her blue ones.

It was Kevin. My ex.

I'm so so so sorry about the extremely late update.

Work has been a bitch to me. I feel like quitting but it's my only source of income so...

I hope you guys forgive me. If not I still love you guys.

I also hope you'll enjoy this chapter and that little twist at the end. I bet y'all thought it was Jamie she saw.

Tricked ya!

Anywho please remember to vote,comment,share and follow me please and I'll do the same for you guys.

Love y'all.

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