Chapter 20

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Mia's POV

I knew something was happening between Jamie and Kevin the second I stepped in the house. Jamie kept glaring at Kevin and Kevin was just there smirking, it's the kind of look I would give to Caleb to shut his trap when I wouldn't want him to say something to Mom or Dad. 

Kevin's words still haunted me even now I'm laying in bed wide awake. Jamie left to go meet his friend and I'm here all alone, with my thoughts, which is never a good thing. I kept wondering to myself if maybe Caleb was right and I'm moving way too fast with Jamie. I moved too fast with Kevin because it felt right, and now it feels right with Jamie but I don't want to move into anything too quickly with him. I mean the guy is already staying at my place, I'd say it is a little too late to be thinking about moving too fast. But something just didn't feel right with the way Kevin and Jamie were behaving with each other. I mean I get it, nobody likes Kevin because he's a slimy little bastard, but something just didn't sit right with me and the way they were behaving with each other.

My kind keeps bugging me to check my office because of the message I received when I was at work. I sure as hell didn't try to open the safe as I was at work, so either Kevin came using the key he had and Jamie caught him in the act. But where was Jamie when Kevin entered the house? Maybe he didn't get here as yet. But that couldn't be right. I got the message a few minutes after Jamie asked me for the password to get inside the house. If you have a key then the password would not be needed to enter which is how Kevin got in. Either way he has both a key and the password to enter, in case he ever left his key at home he had to use the password to enter the house. It's all very confusing but once you get used to it it's fine.

I wanted to hand Jamie the key I took from Kevin but I wanted to get to the bottom of this matter first. Which reminds me I need to change the password on the lock. I decided to stop letting my thoughts drown me and just get up out of my bed. Maybe I've gotten used to Jamie here for the one night he's been here but the house feels lonely and empty without us making love all over the floors and counters. I think we use other parts of the house more than we use the bedroom.

I walked to my office at the end of the hall and tried pushing open the door only to realize that it's already cracked open. Now I definitely knew that somebody had been in here. I hurriedly pushed open the door to survey the office. Everything looked in place, nothing seemed to be missing, but you could never be too sure. I began walking around the office checking even the smallest speck around the desk and bookshelf. When I got to the desk, I could see where it was once opened. The drawer, aka the safe, looked as if it was opened before but wasn't closed properly. I didn't worry about ti too much because I'm more careful than that, none of the important stuff is kept in there, they're all somewhere else in the house that not even I could find them sometimes. 

I needed to know who was in my office so I checked the security cameras for confirmation. After I booted up my computer I got to work with checking the cameras. I saw when Jamie arrived at the house, I saw when he took his phone out to call me,I could see the smile on his face as he spoke to me, I could see when he entered the password and the door beeped open, I could see him muttering something to himself. I decided to zoom into it closing in on his delectable lips, creepy I know but bash me later. I could make out the words clearly, he said 'fancy'. 

I watched the cameras carefully to see what it is that he did once he got settled in. I could see where he put his bags down in the room and took a spin as if to really look at his surroundings. I could see him smiling softly and shaking his head as if he couldn't believe he was doing this. Honestly I couldn't believe that I was doing this. I was opening my heart to another person who could potentially hurt me, I didn't want Jamie to turn out like Kevin where he would constantly lie to me and hurt me whether intentionally or not. I don't want to put my heart through that hurt again. I won't put my heart through that again, especially because I'm not quite over what Kevin did to me. I mean we were engaged to be married. My mom wanted us to be married as soon as possible but I wanted to wait, and oh what a good thing it was that I waited.

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