Chapter 4 : A Morning Adventure

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Something you might need to know:

Readers and Monsters have a symbiotic relationship. Monsters provide emotional stability that Readers require in order to keep their SOULs balanced. Because their SOULs are a mix of Human and Monster magic, Readers grow physically unstable over time. Without a stable source of magic to feed their SOUL, a Reader with a heavily split SOUL (more than 30%/70% of either Monster/Human or Human/Monster, in general) will die within a few weeks of being created because their SOUL cannot handle being that differentiated on it’s own. Thanks to the genius of the Royal Scientists, The Hart Shelter is equipped with Magical diffusers that are used to help Readers stay in good health until they are adopted.


The movie had ended, and by now the moon was in the sky. You had fallen asleep on the arm of the couch.

Jake and Tapper had left to their apartment, to get some sleep. (Phh! Who needs that? X3)

Daniel seeing how cute you were, huddled in your poncho, took a picture... (Come on, can you blame him! You are a Reader who is small... small = cute and you were cuddling. So you are like 110% cute. :3)

And then grabbed a washcloth to cover you, he didn't really have anything better. He hadn't bought you a blanket or anything. And he just realized he hadn't gave you the stuff he did buy for you, he'd have to give it to you tomorrow.

He sighed. 'I'm not sure why Jake had thought this was a good idea. I obviously don't know enough to take care of you.' He thought. Tomorrow he was going to learn more about readers, and take better care of you.


But for now he needed sleep. Taking a page out of your book, he grabbed a blanket and laid on the couch, his feet to you. He felt his tail over his legs and could hear the crickets outside. (Which wasn't very hard to be honest since the walls were pretty thin.)

~Temmie skip~

You rolled over. When suddenly the ground wasn't there, but just as suddenly as it was gone, it was back. And, your asleep mind thought, a lot softer, it made your soul sing. (Not literally, souls can't do that you silly.)

~Temmie skip brought to you by: wanna have a bad tem?~

You woke up, not really wanting to since you were actually really comfy... You were warm, your soul felt rejuvenated and it was really soft... like fur... 'Wait, fur?' You peeked open an eye. Then both, you realized that you were not in your bed... but in fur... 'Well this is odd...' you thought. You suddenly remembered last night. You had actually gotten adopted. But you remembered falling asleep on the arm... 'wait... WAIT!'
You quickly got up trying to be gentle. You had been sleeping on Daniel's tail.

You cursed youself. You got off, making sure you didn't wake him.  You mentally slapped yourself, 'You can't get attached so soon! He only got you yesterday! You- '


You stopped afraid you woke him up. But his breathing stayed the same. You started breathing again, not realizing that you had stopped, and looked down. You had stepped on a empty potato chip bag, you got off careful not to make to much noise, picked up the bag (making sure there was no more chips) and headed for the trash...

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