Chapter 1

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Guys i wrote this story in like 7th grade or something and it's very cringe. I've changed a lot as a writer and well.. I don't ship Peter and MJ anymore😬😬😬 oops. Anywho what I'm trying to say is this story is short and rushed so pls no hate. Thank you for reading and I love you!

(This part isn't important so u can skip what I'm abt to say)  I have started taking care of myself and Im getting a lot of free time. I've got a situation with school and my hours have been cut short, same with my job. So with this time I'm considering writing books again, but making sure they aren't rushed and cringe- just not as bad as this one.

Okay now u can read, my loves❤️ -or reread💅


"Peter? Pete? PETER!?" MJ yelled. That made Peter snap out of his thoughts.

"Huh" Peter replied. He was in his own mind, trapped. He had been getting threats from a random number for weeks now, three to be exact. All he could think about was how they threatened MJ and Ned. Peter didn't think it was a good idea for them to be out right now, but they begged him.

"Were you even listening to what we were saying?" Ned asked.

Peter nods his head fast. "Yeah, yeah! Of course I was listening. I just uh think y-you should r-repeat uh what you were saying.." Peter rubs the back of his neck.

MJ laughs, "Dork" Peter smiles at her, and that makes butterflies go crazy in her stomach.

"Okay lovebirds. Get a room." Ned said.

The duo looks at Ned shocked. MJ tried hiding her blush.

They continued walking around New York. It was about 7:00 P.M when Peter got a phone call from an unknown ID.

MJ looks at him confused. Peters face showed his worry and confusion. "Hey uh.. I will catch-up with you guys in a sec, I have to answer this..." Peter says while looking at his phone.

Ned turns around and replies, "Yeah, okay. MJ and I will just be over there waiting." Ned pointed at a near by ice cream shop.

"Cool. Be there soon" Peter started walking the other way and answered his phone quickly. "Hello?"

- MJ's point of view -

Ned and I made it by the ice cream shop and just stood there. Ned was talking about some stupid LEGO Star Wars thing he got, but I was too busy wondering what Peter was doing.

He has been acting different since the field trip to Oscorp last year. I mean yeah he did lose his Uncle Ben and that kind of tragedy can change a person, but he changed before Ben's passing.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Peter yelling at his phone. He looked at the screen and just yelled. Pete.... he didn't seem like himself, he was angry, hurt, and... confused.

He started to walk over here, looking every which way. Like something was watching him. "Uh h-hey guys, th- thanks for waiting.. but I think we should go.."

I could hear the worry in his voice. What was he hiding? Both Ned and I were confused.

"What's wrong Pete?" Ned asked. Peter looked at Ned then at me.

"We just need to go.. now. Or at least go in somewhere." Peter said while looking around. I could tell he spotted something because his eyes widened and he grabbed my arm and Ned's and dragged us into a nearby alleyway.

"What the hell Peter!?" I said. I was getting annoyed with this. "What's wrong? Why did you drag us over her—" before I could finish my sentence, Peter had his hand over my mouth and looked towards the entrance of the alleyway.

Men in black suits, about six or seven started walking past. Once they were all out of sight. Peter looked me in the eye, then Ned, and what he said ran chills down my spine.

"There coming for me.."

Peter took his hands off our mouths and just stood still. I thought it was safe to speak, but boy was I wrong. "Can someone explain to me what's happening!?" I whisper yelled.

I looked at Ned and then Peter. Both were looking behind me. I saw something flash in Peter's eyes but only for a second. I could still tell what is was, it was fear... I looked at Ned and his eyes were full of fear and it didn't go away. I looked back at Peter to see... worry and determination in his eyes. I turned around to see the same six men in black suits, but there was one new person. Seemed to be the leader of their little posse.

"Hello Mr. Parker, pleasure to see you." Said a man. Tall and quite ugly. Peter took a step forward.

"HYDRA... please leave my friends alone.. you want me right.. just take me." Peters high pitched voice squeaked out. Since Peter was in front of me, I could see his hand that he was hiding behind him. He pulled something out of his pocket, it looked to be some weird gadget. Before he could use it, I heard a gunshot.

"Now Peter, you don't have to make this any harder than it has to be." The man said while his gun was pointed at Peter. I looked at Pete's arm, and it was bleeding bad. But he didn't seem affected by it. The blood was coming out fast.

"Oh my God.. Peter!" I all but yelled at no one in particular. I started to run towards him, but that was a mistake. The man pulled out a remote and clicked the only button on it, and Peter fell to the ground yelling. I stopped in my tracks. I saw Pete shaking on the ground a little bit of electricity was visible.

"I wouldn't move unless you want your Petey to die." Said the man, cold and calmly,

I didn't move anymore. I looked at Ned who was paralyzed by fear, then back at the man. He clicked the button again, and Peter stoped shaking. Groaning in pain in the ground.

"Get him." The man said while pointing at Peter. "The the others too. This is going to be fun." He finished with a smirk.

Before I could do anything, Peter was being dragged by three men to the back of a van. Ned and I had been cuffed and pushed to the same van as Peter.

Peter was laying in front of me, Ned right next to me.

"I'm sorry.." Peter said, his voice all raspy from the shock.

I looked at him, he had a tear running down his face. And that tore my heart to pieces. The man who captured us started talking to Peter, but loud enough for everyone in the van to hear.

"I told Tony I would get'cha" He said with a grin. Then went back to being serious. "You made it so easy, mutant."

I was so confused at that point but Ned seemed to know what's happening. I looked at Peter and he was just smiling.

"It was easy because no one thought you were capable of making cereal, let alone kidnapping some teens." Peter said while grinning.

The man didn't look too happy with what Peter said. He got up and punched Peter in the gut. "Then you underestimated me, spider."

I felt horrible to just watch Peter get hit right in front of me, and not do anything about it. Then I started to process what the man had said. Spider?

Then it all made sense. Like something switched in my mind.

Peter Parker, my best friend, my crush, the one I can't wait to talk to at school, or see at lunch.. was Spider-Man.


Hey I kinda just made this for fun, but if it actually starts to y'know get views and likes or votes, I will continue it and post ASAP. But anyways.. thanks for reading that! Comment if I should continue!

Word count: 1214

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