Chapter 4

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- MJ's POV -

After awhile of just sitting there, the door opens. We all turn outlet heads to see who is coming in. Once I see the face I turn my straight face on, but in the inside I'm scared for my life.. our lives. In the corner of my eye I see Ned and Peter tense up. I look to see what's in Sage's hand, and I tense up a little. A knife, he was holding a knife.

"Don't I get a 'Welcome Back!'?" Sage questions with a evil smile.

"You're not welcome." Peter snapped back.

Sage turns his attention from all three of us to Peter. "Ahhhh, just who I needed." Sage says, and in one quick motion Sage has the knife to Peter's throat.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!!" I yell real quickly, but it doesn't faze the two. It was like I didn't even say anything.

"Where's the tracker, Dip Shit?" Sage said low and threatening.

Peter laughed a bit. "Why does it matter? I already sent the signal." Peter replied. Honestly I don't know where he got this confidence from. I have never seen Peter act like this, but it's kind of hot... not the time.. sorry.

Peter's arm made a beeping noise then started flashing purple. "Shit..." Peter whispers under his voice.

Sage smiles. "There it is!" He moved the knife to where the tracker is. "This will only hurt a.. lot!"  He stabs the knife into Peter's arm, and he lets out a little whimper. My heart shatters, and Ned is next to me screaming for Sage to stop.

"I have f-faced worse." Peter said while glaring at the man.

Sage's smile faltered a little since he don't get the reaction he wanted. Then his smile grew right back. "Then you won't mind this procedure, Spider-Man." He said while dragging the knife downward on his bicep.

Peter let out a mini scream. I can't blame him. If I were getting my arm cut open without any anesthesia or pain killers, I would have passed out. "It's okay Pete.. Everything will be over soon. Tony will come rescue us and he will get you the right care you need. You just have to hold on a little longer, can you do that for me?.." I say soothingly. He looks up to me and I see one tear threatening to fall.

Peter gives a slight nod. "I can do that... for you.." He finishes, and it makes my heart ache. His voice is so broken, but he thinks he has to put up that 'Superhero act'

Sage is done cutting his arm open. He takes the knife out and moves to go set it down. Now that I take a good look at his arm, I see where the bullet hole was but is now healing from the kidnapping. The cut is really deep and is about a foot long. I look away from the blood because I feel like I will pass out if I keep starring at it. I look into Pete's eyes and he looks into mine. I look over to Ned and see that he has passed out from all the blood on Peter's arm. I turn back to Peter and we just stare at each other.

"It will be okay.. We're gonna get out of here soon.. I promise.." I say quietly. He just closes his eyes then opens them back up. He nods and mouths the words 'I know'

Sage comes back over to Peter. "Don't worry Little Spider, this part is the worse. I'm going to take the tracker out and then you will get your punishment, understood?" Sage asks. But Peter doesn't respond, he just kept eye contact with me. Sage slaps Peter in the face and my blood starts boiling. "I said.. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" Sage yells into Peter's ear. But he doesn't loose eye contact with me.

"Yes, sir." Peter replied quietly. And that was it... Sage stuck his hand into Peter's arm and started digging around. Which shouldn't have been that hard to find, but he just wanted to cause more pain from unnecessary movements. Peter screams in pain. I look away because I can't deal with it anymore.

I hear the screams die down and the beeping become louder. He got the tracker out. I look back over to see Peter had passed out, probably because of the pain, and Sage throwing the tracker on the floor and crushing it with his foot. He looks back to Peter and shakes his head. "Wake up, Spider! It's time for your punishment."

He quickly bandages up Peter's arm and then unhooks him from the chair. Pete tried to get up but is too weak. Sage grabs his hair and starts to drag him out of the room. They get to the door and he stops. "Anything you wanna say to your 'friend'?" Sage asks.

I look at Peter and his eye are barely open. "Don't die on us, loser.." I say looking into his half awake eyes.

Peter smiles a little and replies. "N-never.."

I give him a smile, then he is gone. The door slams close and I look over to Ned. He is still passed out. I start crying, why does this have to happen. I don't think any of us deserve this, especially not Peter. He already feels like he lost everything. His mom, his dad, his uncle, and himself. After all the trauma he has been through... I just feel... sad. I can't imagine how he is right now..

I have been crying for about half an hour now, Peter still hasn't returned. Ned woke up and saw the Peter was gone and I was sobbing. He asked what happened and I told him as much as I could in between tears. He started crying too.

Another 30 minutes goes by and Ned and I have fallen asleep. 

We wake up to the door opening. I see sage dragging Peter in. He looks dead.. his skin is pale he has cuts everywhere and his shirt is off showing more cuts and a burn in the middle of his chest.


I start tearing up, and I hear Ned's quiet sobs from next to me.

Sage hooks Peter back up then leaves the room. He is passed out on the chair, I can't bare to look at him anymore. I turn my head to the ground and whisper, "Where are you, Iron-Man...?"


I'm going to make this story like a one shot type of thing. Like there might be one or two more chapters after this then it's complete. I have never made a story before so not hate plus all this chapters haven't been edited so if there is a huge mistake please tell me. Anyways till next time


Word Count: 1150

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