the pio

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Vlad's POV~

i was blasting my favorite remix of tio cruuze's dynamite but i could i still here her obsessing over that loser.

for years i've slight after louis myself. his shaggy hair and baby face has been the focus of my dreams and now this bitch is trying to seduce him. well jokes on her and friends they won't be making it to boone's ferry road.

for about 20 miles i drive them in in the opposite direction, past morket of choice, and the university of portland state. they haven't been the suspect my plan.

Anmol's POV~

wow this drive been taking longer than usual. maybe the pio is taking a new route. it's quite scenic so it's fine for now but i fear if we go any longer louis will leave before i arrive and who know maybe take home some bitch.

"sir is this the right way to boone's!" questions shalini

"no this is the way to hell. goodbye you slut." vlad cackles while starring straight at us through the rear view mirror while also changing the song to the high way to hell/bodack yellow mashup.

without a second thought shalini and i jump into action...

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