How it all Started

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(y/n) P.O.V.


"WHAT IS UP MY CRANKY CREW ITS ETHAN FROM CRANKGAMEPLAYS. Ok so everyone welcome too the live stream! today we are here with Mark, Jack, Pewds and (y/n) and we will be playing games." I chuckled at his enthusiasm. It was the march charity livestream of 2022 and we were all exited.

As Ethan talked about the goals that we had to reach ,and the challenges that came with every goal, I was making the dead-inside-smile at the camera and saw that mark was zooming in on me. As soon as Ethan noticed what was going on he playfully punched Mark in the shoullder and said, " come on Mark don't encourage her" in a sarcastic tone.

I chuckled and flicked him in the side of the head. He flicked back and soon It turned into one of them girly slapping fights untill Jack and Pewds had to pull us apart. We kinda fake-huffed at the same time and Mark continued the explination of what we were doing in the livestream and the challenges.

When Pewds looked at the donations count he realized that we had allready passed the first goal. He wispered it in Jacks ear and he went over to look at mark. I thought that we would play a game of telephone or something but no. Jack leaned in closed to mark and screemed in his ear, " FIRST CHALLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENGE ". Mark screemed because he didn't see it coming, or should I say heard.

When I finaly recovered from laughing I asked Mark if he was OK. He responded in one of those loud fake-deaf voices, " WHAT (Y/N)! I CAN'T HEAR YOU" this got some other gigles from everyone. Espesially Jack, who was rolling aroung on the ground in laughter. When Mark recovered ( a little bit ) from the loud irishman literally SCREEMING bloody mary in his ear, he kicked Jack in the leg and said, " well I guess thaaaat means we have to do a challenge "

Ethan got up from the couch and brought over a wheel that had a bunch of challenges on it. He looked at all of us and decided that mark should get to spin the wheel due to the brutal murder of his eardrums earlier. He spun the wheel really hard and when it stopped it landed on the bean boozled challenge.

I helped Jack and Pewds set it up and when we where done Pewds went first. he landed on the dog food/chocolate pudding one and said , " well shit dude " he reluctantly put it in his mouth and chewed with a scared look on his face. After about a millisecond he started to gag and ran to the bathroom. Mark started laughing histerically and said, " must've gotten into chicas food bowl".

just as Pewdiepie got out of the bathroom the stream went down and it seemed that the entire internet had caved in. None of the social medias worked and it was very strange, the power hadn't gone out, Just the internet. We switched the moniters to normal T.V. and watched the live news. there was a breaking news story that said that all across the globe, in every contry, the internet had gone out.

Soon after the T.V. started to glitch out and then completely blacked out. we tried to turn it back on but it was useless. By now all the power had gone out entirely. The phone wouldn't even turn on. We heard a knock at the door and I was the first to answer.  There was 10 or 12 swat cars parked silently aroud our neighborhood. The person who knocked at the door grabed me and put a cloth over my mouth. The leading person who had atacked me ushered others in behind him then picked me up. Everything was geting blurry and while my eyes moved left and right the things around me began to drag bedind everything else.

I was trying to squirm out of his grip all the way up untill I blacked out. After that it was just nothing. I didn't know what was happening. I was having a fun time with my friends and then everything in my life changed forever. And the disission that I would have to soon make, I wasn't ready for.

(715 words)

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