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(y/n) P.O.V.


When two other people came into the room they all just stared at me. A bit of my hair fell in front of my face. I saw that it was kind of red. I turned to look in the mirror and saw that it wasn't all red. some of it was blue and green and yellow. Some parts where colors that I hadn't seen seen before. It was obvious that the  doctors hadn't seen it before either. 

My eyes were changing between colors and miracuolusly didn't effect my vision. It scared me so much that I fell backwards. I heard a, HUH come from someone and a , where did she go, from another. I realized what had happened. I had turned invisible!!!

I didn't know how to get out of it, but I didn't have to. I began to feel dizzy and saw my hands reapear in the mirror. My head was spinning and I soon passed out. I fell into someones arms but I couldn't tell who. when I woke up my friends were all huddled around me. This scared me again and I ended up creating some kind of blue orb and threw it up in the air. It landed on Ethans head and got him all wet. Mark used his fire powers to dry his hair off and when he was done Ethans hair was all up andhe looked like he had an afro.

Everyone stated laughing exept for me, I was still really freaked out. Then a person came into the room. They were wearing an outfit that suggested that you shouldn't mess with him. he walked over to me and sat down in an empty chair. The room whent dead quiet.I asked him why I had fainted and he said, " Your body isn't use to your powers, you exorted to much power while your body was trying to comprehend the fact that you even had powers... nevermind the amount of powers you have. you have all the powers that we have researched and, judging by your hair, a lot more."

" soooooooooo your saying I'm a god?" I ask in a questioning voice, "no, I am saying you have power that we haven't researched and you have more than one power which has never happened before" "ok well in my eyes, that means god" " no it means that you are extreamly powerful and should be carefull" "oh OK"

I looked at my hands a thought about what he had said. I had woken up in a strange place and suddenly had powers... that seems logical. That also means that all my friends had powers to. Did they give us these powers? If not then who did? Or what?

The man got up and left before I could question him further.then a younger person came in and told me to follow him. They said, " Hello (y/n) you have to come with me." I got up and folllowed him  into a room with a chair and a needle beside it. the man told me," (y/n) you are going to be put through a mental assesment  where we will see what you vallues and beiliefs are. This shot has a micro chip that willl go into your brain and read out what you are thinking. You will be put into random situations where you will be tested to see how you react, based on your reaction we will see what you will do in your future. The assesment will seem like real and these are situatons that you might be put into in you real life

without another thought he gave me the shot and I slowly drifted into an unconscious state.

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