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I looked aroung uselessly in a dark room. My head was spinning and I thought I was going to puke. Everything hurt. It was obvious I had been asleep for a long time because my body was really stiff. I couldn't see anything and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't move. It seemed that my body was held onto the table or bed or whatever it was by restraints. I was terrified because I didn't know where I was.

I started screeming for someone and directly after a person walked into the room. he turned on a light and I saw that I was in what looked to be a hospital bed room but I wasn't quite sure. I looked around the room that I was in but everything was kinda fuzzy so I don't quite remember what it looked like.

I still felt very qweezy and coughed a bit. the doctor came over to me and began to undo the restraints  that held my arms and legs. I rubed my wrists as soon as they were both free. The doctor told me that my friends would be happy that I was finally awake. everything about this felt weird to me. first the power went out everywhere, then a swat team kidnaps me and now I wake up in a hospital. what next!

the doctor told me to try to stand up but my legs weren't able so support the weight of my body. He ended up carrying me to a small room. the room had a table with my four friends seated around it. The doctor put me in a chair and quickly left. the people around  me all came over and hugged me. This made me feel better about the situation but I was still freeked out by what was happening. My vision had cleared up by now and I noticed a change i all of them. Their eyes had all changed colors.

Mark's eyes were red, Jack's eyes were green, Ethan's eyes were blue and Felix's eyes where yellow. I said, " hey guys! " then I asked them why  they had oddly colored eyes. Ethan practically lit up when I asked that and yelled, " WE HAVE SUPERPOWERS! ". It was a bit of a shock to me because I thought that stuff like this only happened in fairy tales, movies and books.

As I prossesed this he explained what powers each of us had, " Marks superpower is fire, or 'pyrokenesis' as the doctors said, my superpower is water, Jacks is nature and felix's is electricity." He looked at me a had a sad look on his face. He was about to say something about my hair. I pulled my hair in front of my face and noticed it was normal. I just stared at him blankly, trying to think of  a reasonable explanation for what was going on when I began to cough.

As I coughed i started to feel qweezy again and walked over to the sink in the corner of the room. I coughed up something that atfirst I thought was blood but turned out to be some kind of black ooz.

everyone rushed over to me and asked me if I was ok. Then a doctor walked in and asked me if he could examine my eyes. the doctor walked over to me and when he saw my eyes he just gasped and said into a walkie-talkie, " I need three examiners to come to room 524 " he then proceeded to tell me to sit down.

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