Chapter 8

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 Trapped in that little room, just like so many times before, Yuki quivered. His small body hugging himself to find any resemblance of comfort to keep him safe.

The door slid open slowly and a smooth, uncaring voice entered the air,causing him to freeze in cold blood. "My my, why are we back here, Yuki?"

Lifting his head, he found his tormentor, his nightmare, Akito.

In his hand was a small leather whip, stroking it as he kept further in anticipation. Why did he never listen? "Now you know what I have to do, don't you?"

Yuki gasped and spoke, shuttering on his words. "Wait, please don't Akito. I'm sorry, please don't!"

But of course he didn't listen, he never did.

Instead, opting to slap the whip forward, its edge hitting the floor in a loud thud. "Your begging pleases me, but it's not enough."

The small boy jumped at the sound and the close approximately when the door opened once more, showing a speck on white in his vision. It was that girl again.

Akito seemed distracted by this, instead turning towards and smiling an empty grin. "You're here. Come, stand by me."

The girl listened and walked up to the small boy, locking eyes in the moment, even though something was very different from the two of them.

Unlike his, her eyes looked dead and lifeless, almost like a corpses. That is always how they seemed to look. There certainly was no compassion there.

Grinning at her appearance, he finally turned back to Yuki and spoke. "I think you need to be re educated. Like so.."

The whip flew down and hit him in the leg, causing the rat of cry out in pain. Again and again in hit and it seemed that this was never ending.

The girl stood still the entire time, just watching, observing everything that had occured calm, still and emotionless as always.

Yuki noticed the pain stopped just then, causing him to look up in fear. "Akito please, don't hurt me anymore."

But the god just laughed and turned towards the girl in question, handing the small whip out to her. "Here my songbird. Why don't you try as well?"

She hesitated at this, eyes once again on the rat in question and for a second Yuki thought she wouldn't go through with it.

That is, until she picked it up.

With those same dead eyes, she took a moment, eyeing the object and Akito which made the rat hopeful. "Please don't do this. Just let me go, please."

But his words were short lived as the girl wrapped her hand around the object and lifted it up, intend in her stance.

Without another word, she brought it down and the pain continued. He was so foolish to think that she was different when in reality, she was just like Akito.

A monster.


Gasping abruptly, Yuki sat up in his bed, sweat dripping up and down his face in panic.

Looking around, he realized he wasn't in that small room but rather still in Shigure's house. It was just a terrible nightmare.

Then he realized. No. It wasn't a nightmare, it was a memory.

Whipping his brow, he sat up in bed but paused when he noticed something on the table. Sitting there was a small cup of warm tea, waiting for him to drink it.

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