Chapter 12

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*Chapter contains themes and actions of abuse. Akito is like how he is in the manga/anime. Didn't make it too graphic, but be aware**

Aria opened her groggy eyes to the light feeling of someone running their fingers through her hair. The motion was ever so slightly, touching each strand and pushing it away from her face. It was calming at first.

That was until all of her memories came rushing back, recalling what had just occurred. Akito at her school, speaking against him, Yuki's far away face of shock, they were all there.

Then, a voice shook her out of her delusion. "Ah, so you have awoken, my songbird."

Aria's eyes widened and abruptly stood up from his lap, feeling the need to get out of there as soon as possible. She wanted to go back, back to that house, just anywhere from here.

Sitting up so quickly caused a sudden nauseous reaction and the room started to spin every so slightly. So much so, she felt her own body crash back into his lap.

She put a hand up to her temple in pain when he spoke. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. The setitive is still lingering in your system. Do you really want to get away from me that badly?"

He touched another strand of her hair but Aria slapped it away with the strength she did have. "Don't touch me."

Akito looked down at her face and just smiled. "You have become quite rebellious. Are you upset I took you from that house? You didn't belong there anyways. You belong with me."

Trying to sit up again, but more slowly, Aria succeeded. "Why do you want me so bad? I'm sure you could find another person that would throw themselves at your feet."

But Akito shook his head, moving closer to touch her face.

When she saw this coming, Aria backed away, only to have him grab the sides roughly, pulling her close to him.

She grunted in pain and had no choice but to look in his eyes as he spoke. "Because we are the same, my songbird. I rescued you and trained you to be like me. We both have the power to bend the will around as. You were made for me, and I you."

Leaning back, she broken away from his hold and answered bitterly. "I don't want to be like you anymore Akito. I can't live with myself after seeing what I've done. I don't want to use my power like that again!"

Akito's eyes grew cloudy and in one swing of his wrist, he slapped Aria across the face, hard.

His gaze became one of disinterest "Snap out of it. You just don't realize it yet my songbird, but you will. Oh, you will. There is no escaping who you are, who we are."

Coughing at the impact, Aria whispered weakly. "I don't want to."

Raising his eyebrow, the god tried a new tactic, mocking. "What was it like living in that house anyway, with my Yuki and that monster of a cat? Must of been difficult."

Akito reached his hand to slap her again but Aria was quicker this time.

Grabbing his wrist to stop him, Aria narrowed her eyes in anger.. "He is not a monster."

Akito paused at this, taking in the look of her eyes. "Don't tell me, you actually have feelings for that cat?"

Even though she didn't give him an answer. Akito could see i written on her face. The dejected eyes, and sullen stance. She did have feelings for him, and he didn't like it.

Aria watched as he brought his lips into, mocking laugh and answered. "I can't believe it. A monster falling in love with a monster? Did what happened all those years ago teach you nothing?!"

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