Chapter 7

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A/N I'm not exactly pleased with the way this chapter has turned out. I wanted to let you know a little about Misty.  Please don't be surprised if I change that section.

And again.... this is an unedited story.

Cam pov

The pain in his head was becoming stronger. It started with small intermittent jabs but now his whole head felt like it had been in battle and he was the loser.

Whatever was happening he knew he deserved it but hell it hurt more than he could have ever of imagined. With a hand shielding his eyes he slowly made his way to his window and closed the curtains, the sunlight was screaming through his mind like never before. He sighed at the slight relief and hung his head down as he once again made his way to his bed and tried to lie down without jolting his body at all. He was sure that any sudden movement would be his death; one he wasn't sure he'd fight right at that moment.

The memories flowed through his mind. Memories that began many years before. Many of them he'd forgotten but there were some that had him smiling weakly through the pain. Momemts.of fun with his beloved Janella, moments when there was nothing stopping them from being carefree.

Whatever was happening... he knew he deserved it. Trying to tough his way through the pain he kept his eyes closed whilst rying not to scrunch them together. The pain was too much to the point of being excrutiating and he knew he needed help. It had been going on for so long he couldn't physically take it any more. He needed help.


That was when the darkness took him. That was when he slept.


Janella's pov

She giggled a small giggle. The memory was one that always made her smile. A little boy who storming after a boy much older as he'd taken away his friends icecream.

"You shouldn't do that to people. It isn't right! Go say you're sorry. Stop being bad!"

Janella giggled at the stance of the boy in the memory. She giggled at how red his face looked. She giggled at the looks in the face of the boy he was shouting at.

She giggled. Then she cried. It was another memory to forget. With shaking hands she picked up a pinch of the herbs in front of her and added them to the rest as they lay smoldering to ashes. She was saying goodbye to the good times they'd had. Saying goodbye to the frienship that had lived in her heart but had left his mind.

"My child, I can see how much this hurts you. I also know you're feeling torn apart remembering them. I ask you again if this is really what you want? If so then I shall make it a little easier for you." Misty could stand it no more. The suffering was tearing her in two. This wasn't what she'd signed up for. This wasn't what she wanted to cope with. Yet here she was. The moon goddess whose main purpose in life was to bring together two souls to connect as soulmates... and here she was with her very own daughter tearing apart the foundations of love. If only she could take away the pain Janella was feeling. She felt as a mother she had failed and failed dismally. The moment her daughter was conceived Misty knew. She felt the life growing within her. She loved those moments of bearing her child. The hardest moment ever in her life was when she had to leave her beautiful daughter behind. She hoped she could return and not miss out on all the 'firsts' that children had. It was not to be. Janella's real father had shown his true self and he was an evil man. The God of Thunder with the physique that went with it but also the temper that scared one and all. Misty remembered laughing when he'd told her he was a God. Of course all men though like that, their egos are abundant. Slowly though she came to care and he worked his way into her heart in ways that Misty could never imagine for herself. She'd always believed that being alone was her destiny and as it happened... it was. She would never regret the time they had together. His job description was more important than either of them. They knew. When the time had come, they knew that the would never be together again. It was destiny.

A decision was made. A heartwrenching decision that left the pair feeling incomplete. Looking into the sparkling blue eyes of their beautiful daughter they knew it was time. Marjorie walked into the room and with one last kiss of love on her forehead they passed the child to her new mother. Thanking her and in tears, they swore they would never be far from her. Their little girl. Their beautiful Janella.

"Misty? Are you ok?" came a voice breaking through her thoughts. Blinking for a moment her eyes settled with love at the beautiful girl before her.

"Yes my child, I was just lost in thought. Have you decided? Would you like me to make this easier for you?"

"I think I would please if it isn't any hassle. It hurts so much to remember."

"That's no problem at all. Take the bowl in your hands and when you finish the words pour the herbs slowly into the fire."

Janella took a deep breath and picked up the bowl, cradling it gently.

"Repeat these words after me..
With each passing memory I say goodbye. With each herb that burns I say goodbye to a memory of him that warms my heart."

The words were repeated and as the last herb fell a light blinded her. With no vision apart from the light Janella waited. Slowly the light faded. She found herself back home in her room with her mother sitting on the bed beside her with her arms opened wide. She launched herself from the pillow to be engulfed in arms of love. There she sobbed listening to the crooning sounds of her mother and wishing things were different.


Cam pov

"Aplha I really can't help your son. I'm happy to watch and make sure that he isn't in any real serious trouble but this is far beyond anything any of us have seen before." Ethan had been called to the house after Paul had found Cam unconscious. Cam's mother knew it was part of what needed to happen while at the same time wanting to take away the pain her son was suffering.

An exasperated growl echoed the room as Paul felr more useless than he'd ever felt in his life.

"There has to be something we can do!

"Alpha all I can say is that I will try and make him confortable. You and I both know how strong the bond is and this is something we never thought we'd have to deal with. We're all feeling useless."

"There's nothing you can do." came a voice behind the group.

"Misty what happened?" Clarice asked of her cousin.

Misty made her way to the bed and with a soft hand she wiped away the hair that had fallen over Cams forehead. A gentle palm took its place and slowly the frown of anguish was removed from the face of the boy beside her.

"He's sleeping. Let him sleep for two hours and then wake him as you did yesterday."

She looked suddenly up at Ethan "Thankyou for watching over my cousins son. I know you feel it pointless when there's nothing you can do but please let me assure you that not only are you here as a doctor you're here as a supporting friend. Go home to your mate and hold her close, I can feel your need to be with her. You will receive a call from Janella's mother later asking for help for Janella to sleep. Please only use the herbs I left in your office. Steep them in hot water and they'll be ready when you get the call."

Ethan bowed his head in respect. "Thankyou Goddess. By your leave Alpha?"

"Yes of course Ethan. I fear you will be seeing us tomorrow though as we try and get through this."

"Before I leave may I please ask... what happened today? What brought on this reaction?"

"Always the doctor." Misty smiled sadly as she looked down at Cam and with a voice quiet and serene she said two words to the three pairs of eyes that looked upon her.

"Loving memories."

A/N As I said I'm not completely happy with this chapter. Please let me know what you think.

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