Mitch: No scientist

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<<<(Amy's P.O.V)>>>

I was heading the coffeeshop. I weared a hoodie and sunglasses to make sure no one would regonize me. My entire name is Amira Marian Harper. But, most people know me as Dr. Harper, one of the greatest scientist in the world. The one who found a cure for the biggest animal disease. I'm no scientist and I don't like it when people call me one.

Let me tell you why that is:
My fathers name is John Harper. He was a scientist. He experimented on animals. He was a mad man. I guess calling scientists mad isn't for nothing. When my mother found out about the animal experiments. They started to fight. My mom was afraid of my dad. I was afraid of my dad. You can't blame me, I was 13 years old.

The years after that were horrible. He shouted and trowed with things oftenly. He beated my mom and I.
One night I sneaked inside of his lab. I wanted to know why he was so violent. I saw everywhere animals and humans locked up in soundproof cages, dead and alive. They screamed but because of the cages I couldn't hear them. Some of the humans where almost half animal. I searched through his papers. There were formulas on them. I made a copy of them and left his lab. I hid the copys. Might come handy later. The torture wend on and he didn't seem to noticed that I've been in his lab. Until one night his lab exploded. I was the only one who survived. My mom and my dad were dead. And dads work was gone too. Everything was gone.
Well almost everthing coplies from his work I stole from his lab was still intact. I used the formulas for the cure. I couldn't have done it without my mothers lessons about healling.

She was unlike my father a animal lover. Her name was Emily Harper. She was a doctor. I have still no idea who those two found love toghether. I've got the genes of my mom. I look a lot like her. After all we both share the love for animals. They call me Dr. Harper, but I'm no doctor. I didn't found the cure by my self.

No, I used my father and my mothers work. No one would believes me if I say that there's a cure for the biggest animal desease. through mad science of my father and the loving side of healing what my mother learned me. And with that cure I could also cure smaller deseases.

That's why I'm called one of the greatest scientist in the world.
I'm afraid that if I continu with science I'll become mad, just like my dad. I'm not like my dad and I don't want to be like him. That's why I don't like the fact of being called a scientist. In stead of a scientist, I rather call myself a animal biologist. I study animal behavior.

I'm good friends with Jamie Campbell. I've met her through my mom. She arranged a interview with Jamie and that's how we've met. She a very nice woman, besides the fact that's she obsessed with Reiden Global. I agreed with Jamie to meet us at the coffeeshop. I saw her standing by the bar. She was talking to a man.

"Hi Jams."

"Oh hey Amy. Have you met Mitch already?" She said quickly.

"No time. Let's go before they recognize me." I whispered.

"What about Mitch?" She wispered back.

"Let's take him with us." I grabbed both of there hands a dragged them to my car.

"Hé, what's this?" Mitch asked angrily.

"Shut up and get in the car. I pushed him in my car and quickly drove away.

"Great now I'm being stalked and kidnapped. What a awesome day." He muttered sarcastically.

I looked confused at him. "Don't worry, Mitch. I won't stalk you." I smiled at him.

"Mitch Y/n, Y/n Mitch. He a biologist too." Jamie said.  "

I'm not a biologist, I'm a veterinary pathologist." He protested.

I chuckled. "My name is Amy Harper. I'm a animal biologist. I study animal behavior." I stook my hand out.

He took it gladly after he realized who I was. "As in Dr. Harper. One of the greatest scientist in the world?" He ask excited.

"And that too." I sighed and frowned.

"I read all your investigations." Mitch smiled.

"Really, who stalks who now?" I smirked. He turned red. I laughed.

"I'm just kidding, Mitch. It's a pleasure to meet you."

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XXX Luna❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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