1- [Trouble, Trouble]

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Thursday,5 am

Yikes what have I done

The man steadies himself. He looks at you, examining your face.

Well this is totally not awkward nope,standing in front of a man -who you almost had a fight with- quietly isn't awkward.

Notice my sarcasm.

You decide to break the silence.

Y/n:"I-I'm sorry?...."

Duh of course you're sorry why are you asking.

Wtf was that

?:"We'll meet again"

Hell to the no.

He walks towards you and pushes you a little because you are standing near the entrance and walked out.

Coconut headed jerk

Y/n:"Glad that was over" You pause. "Great now I have to clean these shit ton of mess up" You say while looking at the floor full of scattered snacks everywhere.

What was he looking for? I better clean this up before the manager pops.


You jump at the sudden yelling. Oops I guess you're getting fired after all :)

Y/n:"I can-" your words are cut off.


Well no shit sherlock,I work here of course I do. I even know where you keep the-

Mad Pig:"Ugh this is not good for my blood pressure" He massages his head.

Y/n:"I'm sorry it won't happen again" you muttered.

Mad Pig:"That's what you said last time and yet here you are." "Since I'm in a good mood today,I'm giving you a last warning and if this happens again I won't let you off the hook"

Oh? The pig's being kind? That's new.

Y/n:"Thank you, sir" "I really appreciate it and it won't happen again, I promise." You say happily.

Yes,there was a last time....and let's just say that a robber almost stole the cash and I.....well I somehow tricked them and they ran away. Don't ask me how, I just did.

------Time skip------

1 pm


It is time for recess. You walk over to the empty table placed near the window.

Who was that? Why did he come here? Was he injured? Was he looking for bandages? Or was he.. looking for drugs? Nah it can't be the pig won't dare to hide drugs... right?

A million thoughts linger in your mind.

"Y/n what do you want for lunch today?"

You slowly turn your head.

Ah,Natalie! It's been long since I've seen her I wonder what happened?

Y/n:"Hey! Sorry, didn't see you there."

Natalie is your co-worker, you and Natalie aren't very close but she's always in concern for you and takes care of you. Being the shy person you are, you push her away all this time, feeling slightly guilty to the kind girl.

She has a beautiful brown hair,plump lips, cute chubby cheeks, a beautiful face and not to mention her personality which is the opposite to yours. Social butterfly, brave, kind, etc.

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