12-[A Cup Of Courage]

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Location:Jooniescupcakes' Cafè
Thursday,8 a.m.

"Ummmm yum, I have been craving this substance for a while," you moan at its delicousness. "It's called a cupcake y/n," Jungkook says as he sips on his chocolate milk juice. "I used to wonder why cupcake is called cupcake until I'm like, 10 years old," you say while continue munching down the half finished cupcake. "-it's because a cupcake is put in a cup. And it's a cake. Boom. When I knew that my whole life has been different ever since."

"Wow." You flick your fingers, "I know right, I was amazed too when I first knew-" "No. It's just that you sometimes say such stupid things that amaze me." He smirks and finishes the juice. "WHY YOu-" before you can initiate any sort of violence towards the judging male in  front of you, an old man with a beret and a bushy beard interrupts you. "Quiet down will ya?" He says in an angry tone and mumbles, "Kids these days."

By now, half of the customers in the bakery have their eyes on you.

Jungkook chuckles while he watches the situation unfold in front of him, "I'm sorry sir." You say in embarrassment. "Sorry sorry naik lorry lah!" With a puzzled face, you decided not to ask any further and anger the man. Jungkook leans in and whispers "He says you're pretty," "Don't lie." "I'm not lying!" He says in defense and naturally extends his hands.

You roll your eyes, "Send him my thanks," "Don't regret this," confused, you ask "What do you mean?"

Without replying, he walks over to the old man sitting by himself and whispers inaudibly. You eye his actions suspiciously, "I swear to god he better not be playing." After a while of whispering, the old man's expression turns sour like a lemon.

What did that brat say now?

The old man stands up from his seat and roars in anger, "I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER," your eyebrows flatten at his response and turns to look at Jungkook who seems to be enjoying the scene. You mouth to him afar, 'What's happening?' He simply replies with an 'I don't know.' while trying to keep a what seemingly straight face.

Once the staffs hear his demand, they run frantically to get their manager. One of the waiter approaches him, "What is the matter sir?" He tries to speak with a polite tone but fails to hide the fact that he's scared when he accidentally spill the man's drink on his clothes. The old man seems to boil even more now, "Oi! How dare you spill my drink on me?!"

The waiter apologises profusely while bowing to him. The manager finally arrives with a worried expression, "I'm sorry sir, do our services not satisfy you?" "Yes! First of all, your little waiter here is being rude towards me. Second of all, this young lady right here just call me an expired sack ball!"


Holding in your laughter is of no use, your lips slowly start to curve into a smile and eventually, your smile turns into laughter. Turns out, you aren't the only that finds this funny, some of the staffs laugh as well as the customers. "We're very sorry for the inconveniences sir, I'll get her out immediately." The manager says. "No. Ban her for ever coming here again."

What the frick

The manager refuses, "I'm very sorry sir, unfortunately that isn't allowed. We don't do that here." "What do you mean you don't do that here? She just called me old!"

Damn right you are.

He mumbles under his breath, "She's right though," the old man sees him mumbling and interrupts him, "Pardon? What was that?" "Uh oh nothing. We don't 'ban' people from coming here, this is a free cafe, people come when they wanna come!" "Ugh, people and their frickin ways of earning money," the old man says inaudibly.

He stomps his way towards you and looks at you angrily, "You. Didn't your parents taught you to respect your elders?!" You look down on your feet, a faint blush on your cheeks from embarassment.

But I didn't say that...

"Are you fucking deaf? Answer me. Aww poor girl, your parents didn't teach you how to speak too? Tch tch tch morons like you shouldn't even live-"

Unable to watch any further, Jungkook shoves the man to a nearby table causing him to stumble backwards and hitting his back on a chair.

And that's when you shatter, your eyes start to stagnant with tears. Your fists clenching with all your might causing your knuckles to turn white. You grit your teeth until your teeth almost bleed from the gritting. Before anything gets worse, you storm out of the cafè, leaving Jungkook behind


Pull me from this hell,                    
I can't be free from this pain.        
Save me...                                          
I am being punished.                      

Jungkook's pov

Y/n ran away from the darned cafè earlier and hasn't come back home. I miss her. I searched for her everywhere but she's nowhere to be found until..

"Hello?" I pick up my ringing phone and look at the caller id, it's Natalie. "Do you.. know where Y/n is?" Her voice seems shaky, something's off. "Unfortunately I don't, she ran off from a cafè after a big argument she had."

God, I'm stupid.

"Oh.." she takes a breath, "Um, well.. the thing is.. I-I know where she is.." my heart begin to pound quickly, "Where is she?" she hesitates before answering. "U-uh.." a faint voice can be heard in the background, "Natalie!"

That voice..

It's faint but quite surely it's Y/n's voice, "She's at my house." Natalie whispers quickly before ending the call.

Y/n, I'm coming.

End of Chapter 12

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