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    "Warrior Cindy, I am glad I choose you to protect my mate. I know you will do a wonderful job." Alpha says when we pull up to the next pack. "I will do anything for you Alpha. Protecting Luna is a honor." I say with a smile. I wipe my face of any emotions as I open the door. Greg opens the door for Alpha, and we follow him towards the pack house. Then I feel it. The mate pull. I take a deep breath and freeze. That wonderful smell of pine and rain. "Warrior Cindy? Is everything ok?" Greg asks, making Alpha turn around. "Mate." I whisper. Their eyes light up and Alpha speaks. "Where?" He asks looking around. I slowly start following the scent and it leads to a field where a man is chained to a post and the Alpha stands behind him. Most if not all the pack is surrounding them.
    I take in a breath and my eyes zone in on the man chained to the post. "I'm sorry Alpha I promise to make sure your food is right." He cry's. The Alpha growls and his claws extend. And before I know it, my mates guts spill out on the ground.
    My heart breaks and tears freely fall from my eyes. I use all my strength to push people away as I rush to him. I break the chains and hold him to me, ruining my dress.
   I sit there crying for a few minutes when Alpha voice breaks through. "Warrior Cindy?" He calls. My eyes snap up, but focus on the Alpha who killed my mate. "You. Killed. My. Mate." I growl. I begin to fight the shift. Because deep down I know I would move to kill him. "Warrior Cindy?" Alpha calls, but he seems so far away. I move my mate from my lap, and start to crawl on all fours towards him.. the killer. The one who caused my pain. "Warrior Cindy!" Alpha and Greg yell. But once again they sound so far away.
     My claws are out and my canines shine in the sun. "Why is my mate dead?" I ask. "He gave me scrambled instead of Sunnyside up." The Alpha growls. I can feel my eyes change color as I stop. A deathly growl erupts from my chest, as I stare into his eyes. Then I stop. I stand up and smooth out my dress. I turn to my alpha and with a emotionless mask, I ask. "May I go to town to buy a new dress?" He nods slowly and I move to leave. "Not alone.. we will come with you." He says. I just nod and walk away. I could tell my eyes were still those of my wolfs. My canines were back hiding as were my claws.
    It's phenomenal, it's never been heard of. Being able to control your wolf when something like that happens. And still having my wolf.. it's rare. She was still seething, right at the edge. Just waiting for someone to say something wrong. To just bump into me. Anger rolled off me in tsunamis. I just saw him and now he's gone. My one and only. I'd never have pups. Never have the pleasure of feeling those Sparks that so many talk about.
    We reach a dress shop, and the sale woman gasps. And another let's out a strangled scream at the sight of the blood on my dress. I move through the store and look at different dresses, making sure the blood doesn't transfer onto another dress.
    In the end, I left and went to a different store. I got several black skinny jeans with black tank tops, black t-shirts, black off the shoulder shirts. I also got black tennis shoes, and black boots.
    "What about your dresses?" Greg asks in a worried tone as I purchase my new clothes. "I no longer want to wear dresses. I'll just put them up with the rest of my dresses when we get back home." I inform them. "Oh.. okay." He says. The main reason for my dresses was so I would look cute for my mate. I always wanted to meet them and it be like the stories of love at first sight. But.. that will be no longer.
    We go to the pack house and I change into black skinny jeans, a blank tank top, and black knee-high boots. I go outside and some of our warriors are already placing my mates body into a casket that was made while I was at the store. He looked peaceful. They were fixing to put the lid on when I stopped them. I laid the bloody dress next to him along with the shoes and choker. One tear fell and then I left. They were to take him and bury him back home.
    We go to the main room and Alpha and the warriors look for their mate. Then we left. Off to the next pack.
   Reaching the next pack, it went by quick. The next 10 packs went by quickly. "Warrior Cindy?" Alpha starts. "Yes Alpha?" I reply looking over my shoulder. "how did you know he was there?" He asks. I sigh and look out the window, but I knew they were both waiting.. watching.
   "I could feel it. Like gravity had changed and was pulling me towards him. When I felt it, it hurt slightly from not being close to him. And the pain made my take a breath. And that's when I smelt it. His delicious scent of pine and rain. I just wanted to be surrounded by it at all times. And I knew it was my mate. I knew he was there." I tell them as rain began to pour down outside the car.
     We pull into our 14th pack and get out of the car. Once we are all out, Alpha goes ridged. "Is she here Alpha?" I ask quietly. "Yes Warrior Cindy." He replys. Excitement runs through me, but I decide not to show much. I just smile. "Then let's go find our Luna." I say slightly happier. He smiles and we walk into the building.
    Once inside i start scanning the women. All are very pretty. I look to alpha and he has his eyes on a beautiful woman our age. She stands strong and doesn't show fear even though you could tell that she was a nervous reck inside. "Hello handsome." A girl says in a high pitched voice. My head snaps to her and she has her hands on Alpha. I let out a growl and she looks at me. She smirks and in seconds I have her by the throat. "You will not touch my Alpha." I growl. She growls back.. and it's a fight. "Outside." Both Alpha growl. I let her go, and we walk outside growling and snapping at each other. Once outside she shifts immediately, ripping her clothes apart. She snaps and growls at me, but it doesnt phase me. I take my tank top off in a rush and throw it to the side, and she lunges. Quickly I roll out of the way and slip off my pants and throwing them, hopefully, near my tank top. Once they were off, she lunges again. I dodge and shift. Her brown wolf against my pitch black wolf. My fur flows in the wind as we circle each other. But it doesn't last long. Her wolf isn't strong, nor is it trained. The moment she lunges again, I have her by the throat and pinned to the ground. I let out a growl and she cowers down. Deciding to spare her life, I back away. But that was my mistake. Because she gets to her feet and sinks her teeth into my back. I howl in pain and frustration before turning around and ripping her throat out in one swift movement.
     I stand over her body and look around. Alpha and Luna stand together, alpha with pride shining in his eyes. Greg stands next to alpha with my clothes and a smirk. The Alpha stand with his Luna looking at the she-wolf in pitty.
   I look at Greg and nod towards my clothes. He gets the message and puts my clothes on my back before I walk into the woods nearby. I change with a new underwear set, and my clothes. When I walk out, I run my hand through my hair and go straight to Luna. "This is warrior Cindy, your guard." Alpha introduces me. I get on one knee and put a hand over my chest as a signal of loyalty. "I hereby promise to do everything in my power to keep you safe and pain free." I tell her. She rests a hand on my shoulder and I stand up. "my name is Kristy, it is nice to meet you." She says. "It is a pleasure to meet you." I reply. Then I look to alpha. "Are we ready to head back home?" I ask. And he nods. We grab Luna's belongings and leave. Without another word.

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