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"Yes Alpha." I submitted. He left and I began my daily cleaning of the pack house. I was an Omega.. not very high on the list of respect. But I didn't mind. I was a good fighter. I would be killed in a war. But I protected my people. I didn't know why but I was always helping others and not taking the enemies head on. I just never had the courage. But I loved my spot in the chain of command. No one bothered me much. I had about 3 friends. All of them were omegas. Yet I was the only one ever ordered to clean.
I was a orphan though, and this was my way of giving back to the Alpha who had looked after me all those years. Plus cleaning helped me think.. if you can't tell.
I had watched my mom get killed by rogues when I was 5.. and then less than a year later my father killed himself. The pain of his mates death took it's toll and he could no longer stand it. My Alpha was kind of nice to me. He has just taken the title of Alpha about a month ago, so I'm sure it will change. His father didn't like me much. I was the current alphas age of 18 and neither of us had found our mates yet. I had talked to Alpha a few times and I can tell he can't wait to find his mate. He misses her yet he hasn't ever met her. It's so sweet in my eyes. I hope I find my mate one day.
I'm kicked out of my thoughts as the beta kicks me to the ground. The growls threatening to rise dies in my throat as i notice it was the beta. I don't know why, but the pack hates me. I ignore it though. Why cause more problems then there already are.
I slowly get up and dust whatever was on me off before going back to my cleaning while beta and a few of the more respected pack members teased me. I was glad the Alpha had not picked on me. I knew that he knew. But what could he do. Ordering them to stop would honestly make it worst, so I just pushed through. It had been about a hour before I finished all the cleaning. So I went straight to my room on the far end of the pack house. The West end to be exact. It is the only end none of the pack will go to and put me there as "punishment" for only god knows what.
It is believe to be haunted by the alphas granddad. A great man from the little I remember and what I was told. Though I wasn't scared of him, I still jumped at some of the sounds. They didn't happen often but it was mostly things setting into a new place. I cleaned most the rooms but left some untouched. Those rooms where his office and bedroom. It's said that's where he spent most of his time and I decided he wouldn't like someone messing with his things. I dusted every now and then but mostly left it alone. Smiling to myself I go into my room for a hopefully restful sleep.

After tossing and turning all night, my nerves going haywire for no reason. I get up and take a hot shower. I change into a black, off the shoulder knee length dress be with some black flats. I straighten my hair and grab my backpack.

Leaving the house, I walk the small ways to school and head to class

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Leaving the house, I walk the small ways to school and head to class. Once inside, I sit in the second row all the way by the window over looking the school yard where several guys were already training in their wolves. I wish they would let me train with them.
But oh well. I feel the aura of the alpha enter the room and immediately lower my head, "Cindy?" He calls. My head slowly rises, acknowledging him. "Come with me." He says. I pick up my bag and walk behind him, my head still slightly down. We walk all the way to the pack house without saying a word. "Go pack for a week, you are coming with me on my journey to find my mate." He says and walks away. I gasp at the news and rush to my room.
I pack several of my dresses and the things to go with them along with my bathroom stuff. I take 30 minutes to finish packing and walk out to the front room. Alpha is coming down the stairs as I reach the door. "Are you ready warrior Cindy?" He asks with a smirk. "W-warrior?" I stutter out finally. He gets into the backseat of the car, as a guard puts our bags into the truck. He nods to the front seat and I sit down. Alpha doesn't say anything till we get onto the main road. "Yes Cindy.. warrior. Greg here is going to train you personally on this trip." "B-but why me?" I ask more to myself. "Because you are stronger than any of our other females and I see great potential." He tells me. "Also I'd rather a female be guarding my mate rather than a another male." He says with a snarl at the thought of another male by his mate. I nod and sit quietly for a second. Out the corner of my eye I see Greg with a amused look on his face.
Then it clicks. "You want me to protect the Luna!?" I cry out. They both bust out laughing at my reaction. "Yes Warrior Cindy." Alpha replys through laughs. I turn around facing the front again and stare out the window in shock.
    We reach the first pack in just a hour or so, and the females are already lined up and waiting. The males are starring at them with hungry eyes as if they don't have a mate waiting for them somewhere. "Disgusting mutts" I grumbled what was supposed to be to myself. But no.. I can't be that lucky now can I. The Alpha of the pack heard and I was pinned to the wall in seconds. "What did you say pup?" He asks in a growl. I gulp once before a overwhelming amount of courage hits me and my alpha nods. "I said disgusting mutts. They are practically eye rapping them." I tell him and his eyes snap to his men before a growl erupts from his chest. He drops me and I readjust my dress and make sure my hair is in the right place. "Sorry about that. I will deal with them personally." He says to Alpha. Alpha nods and watches the females as the unmated warriors try to sniff out their mates. But none were lucky. Poor guys.
    We decide on not staying the night and going to the second pack. Walking to the car, Alpha speaks to me. "are you not going to look for your mate?" He asks. I let out a sigh and drop my gaze to the ground. "I'll know when he's near. Until then, I find no interest in looking at males." I tell him. "I am proud to have you guarding my mate." He says before sliding into the car. I follow after and we are off to the next pack 3 hours away. This is going to be a long trip.

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