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Maia waited till she was sure Kuzo was asleep, then she quietly got out of the house, instructing Fiji to stay. She thought of using the car but she reconsidered, knowing it would wake Kuzo. She wore her coat to keep her warm and trotted out into the dark. It was a calm night, she could hear the ocean in a distance. She walked a mile before finally reaching the beach.

She hadn't thought it could be this bad, but seeing it now, it broke her heart.

"Oh no" She rushed to the shores where there were thousands of fishes dead. The waves came and pulled some back in and brought out more dead and dying fish. One washed up to her feet, it was still alive and struggling to breathe. She picked it up and then it lay still. she walked into the sea till it was at her waist and then she held the fish under the water and shut her eyes, allowing life to seep from her and into the fish. Then she began to feel its tail move, she opened her eyes and looked down at it and smiled. Its scales no longer looked cloudy and its skin was shiny.

"Travel well" She said and let it go, it swam back into the ocean. Then she felt it. The impurity of the ocean that was killing the fishes.

She frowned, angry and disturbed, she took off her clothes, revealing the body hugging stretchable swim suit her husband had made for her son. Then she went in further and dived in, then she began to swim as fast as she could till the suit was charged up enough to move at her full capacity, the suit began to adjust to the oceans color , it glowed a vibrant bluish green and lit up the ocean around her to aid the swimmer to see, then like a comet, she zoomed deeper down into the ocean in the direction of whatever was down there.



This is wrong, very wrong and you know it, they are polluting our waters, you saw the news yourself, we must speak against it"

"You are in no position to hold diplomatic meetings on our behalf with foreign state officials"

Freya struggled to keep up with the Secretary of State for foreign and commonwealth affairs with her shoes complaining loudly as she trotted to keep up with the man who seemed to be in so much hurry.

"Why, slow down will you"

"Freya, I have no time for this, I have a meeting in twenty minutes"

Freya stopped walking and watch him walk away.

No one was listening to her, and here they were about to tell their sovereignty for a peace treaty. No way, she had to do something, she had to get someone to listen, somehow.


Maia didn't know what to make of what she had chanced upon. It felt like a city under water with an extremely high frequency electromagnetic field, probably above 100M The water around her didn't feel normal, it felt, sick. She heard a whale cry, she turned to its direction and swam towards it. She found the whale.

"You poor thing" She communicated with it, placing her palm against its wet skin.

It was diseased. She made it feel better and told it to swim as far away as it could till the seas became safe again to return home. It obeyed her.

Now she was mad.

Maia swam back to the facility which had high walls, she could feel that they were dangerous to touch to humans, she touched it anyway and pulled two bars apart with all her might till the bar walls cringed and created enough space for her to get through. She swam closer, then she heard a voice over a megaphone.

"You are breaching security, do not proceed, I repeat do not proceed"

Inside the facility.

"Sir, we've picked up movement towards our facility, it looks like a diver"

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