Cute One Shots :)

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Alright, so this is a collection of cute one shots that my brain makes up. :) They will most likely be Het, but I may throw in the odd slash, who knows. 

Anyways, if you have an idea for me, that would be awesome, and I would totally dedicate the chapter to you :)

Also, if you want me to write a one shot for you, I can do that, just tell me:

Your Name (and gender):

Your Eye Color:

Your Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Whatever's Name (and gender):

Their Eye Color:

Any Extra Details or Events You May Want:

Yeah, so I can easily write one for you, and it'll also be dedicated to you, so start suggesting! 

And on a last note, I can also write you one with Celebrities or book characters, just tell me your name and eye color :)

~Alex :) X

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