Marshmallow Kisses

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'Holly, you have to go give the cats water!' My mom's voice drifted through my bedroom door as I danced around my room, listening to Ed Sheeran. I sighed and walked over to my bedside table, picking up the key to my best friend's house. 

'Alright, I'm going.' I quickly ran up the stairs, and grabbed my leather jacket, before dashing out the front door. It was the first of September, and Mother Nature wasn't in the mood for warm weather anymore. I shivered and ran down my driveway. 

The wind was brisk, but the scent of the campfire in my backyard made the walk a little warmer. I crossed the busy road and jumped onto the curb before stopping dead. Standing in front of me was my long time crush, and also best guy friend, James. 

'Hey James.' I said happily, perhaps a little too happily. He smiled and slung an arm around my shoulder.

'Hey Holls, where you going?' 

'Oh, I'm just running over to Kylie's house, her cats need water.'

'I see, I guess I'll join you then. If you don't mind me asking, what's with your outfit?' I quickly looked down and innerly groaned. I had thrown my leather jacket over my tank top, and I was wearing short-shorts with no shoes. Not that I normally wear shoes, it just wasn't the best idea if I had bothered to put on a jacket.

'Don't ask.' I shot back, slinging my arm around his waist. He laughed and nodded his head.

'So, where is Kylie?' He asked as we made our way up Kylie's driveway. 

'Her family went camping this weekend. Now come on, I'm cold!' 

'Then maybe you should have put some shoes on!'

'Shut up loser!' I quickly unlocked the door and we both tumbled in, slamming the door behind us. 'Hi cats!' I called out, in a bored tone. And you know what? I didn't get a single meow in return. 'Rude.' I mumbled as I made my way to their water dish.

'So, I think we should leave a weird picture for Kylie when she returns.' James suggested, pulling out his phone. 

'I agree.' I quickly filled the water dish and called the cats, before running over to the full length mirror James was standing in front of. 'So, what are you thinking for these photos?' I asked, quickly fixing my hair.

'I think we should freak her out.' He said winking, but I could hear something else in his voice. Hopefulness.

'Alright, how are we going to do this?' I was excited now, this could be really fun. 

'Hmmm. D-do you mind if I k-kiss you?' He stuttered, making eye contact through the mirror. 

'Sure.' I said, my voice steadier than I thought. My heart was soaring, but I wouldn't show it. I shrugged and face him, letting out a shaky breath. He smiled and turned to me, holding his phone at the ready. 

He stepped closer to me, until we were almost touching. He leant his head down, and I could feel his minty breath on my lips. My eyes flickered from his brown ones, to his lips, and back to his eyes. The beautiful brown orbs slowly closed, and my green ones were soon lidded. His left hand cupped my cheek as he brushed his lips against mine. 

The phone flashed and he pulled away, placing his phone back in his pocket. 'That should do it.' He stated in a monotone, looking anywhere but me. 

'Uh, no, I don't think it will.' Wow, where'd I get this sudden burst of courage from? 

He quickly turned back to me, and grinned. 'Oh really?' He asked, taking a step closer to me.

'Really, now kiss me you fool.' His lips soon met mine in a sweet kiss. We moved our lips against each other's, slowly and gently. It felt amazing, having his lips against mine, and the sparks flew around my body, exploding like tiny fireworks. For a few moments, we kept in slow and loving, before we pulled back, the need for air becoming too much. 

'Holly.' He whispered against my lips, while our foreheads stayed connected. 

'Yes?' I whispered back, loving the feeling of his lips brushing against mine. 

'Did you have a s'more tonight?' He asked smiling.

'Yes, I did, I also made it myself. How does it taste?' I questioned, smirking lightly.

'Like heaven.' He smashed his lips back to mine with a more fiery passion. His hands gripping my waist forcefully, while mine pulled at his hair. He moaned into the kiss, causing me to smile against his lips. We fooled around harmlessly for a few more moments, before he pulled away and took my hands in his.

'Be mine?' He questioned, flicking his light brown hair out of his eyes.


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