CHAPTER 1- The boys

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"Hoseok ah!" I screamed into the phone

"What? I just said that you might meet some boys for once pabo..." he replied chuckling.

I switched my phone of and flopped onto my bed trying to think happy thoughts for once. It's been really hard to do so ever since dad...never mind. I was going to start at the same school as Hoseok and my first day was tomorrow. Covering my face with a pillow, I fell asleep dreaming of the next day in agony.

BEEP.BEEP."Fudge" I whispered to myself, looking at the time. I only had 10 mins to get ready. I picked up my phone.

You have got 1 new message
Hobi: Hurry up, I am waiting outside for you.

I sighed to myself and went to the toilet to brush my teeth and wash my face. Applying a dash of makeup, I stared at myself happily in the mirror.

In my old school we were forced to wear an ugly grey uniform. Atleast this time I was able to choos"Wahhhh. You l-look n-nice Soomin!" Hoseok exclaimed when I got into the car.

I felt uncomfortable as I hated it when guys checked me out

"Hobi...You look like a pervert."

He glared at me whilst I pulled his hair playfully. I heard him muttering to himself and I chuckled.

"Get out, we are here. Aish, stop it you pabo" he said whilst I ruffled his hair.

I got lost into the crowd and the whispering started, "OMG! She is so pretty! I wish I could be her!" I saw boys nodding in agreement and I sighed to myself. Everytime I got to a new school, I get badgered by new admirers.

"Lee Soomin! Get your lazy ass over here!"

I turned with shock and saw Hoseok beckoning me over. I made my way towards him and mentally face palmed myself

"Hoseokie ah. Why do you always embarass me like this?"

He didn't answer but grabbed my hand and took me through the flock of students to a classroom. It seemed empty, but I was immediately hit by the noise and looked at Hoseok uncertainly

"Don't worry. They're just my friends pabo." He said answering all my questions.

He opened the door and stepped inside. I followed him and suddenly the noise stopped. The room was filled with boys and they were all staring. At. Me.

"Hoseok hyung, you're back...With a girl shockingly."

A boy with brown hair snorted. I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance,

"Hi, I'm Hoseokie's bes-" "Omg, Hoseok is that girl your..your...g-girlfriend?"

I was rudely interrupted by a boy with grey hair. What is it with their hair colours?

"DUDE!" I exclaimed in shock,

"Are you guys ladies or something?" They glared at me but I shrugged,

"Listen, it's not my fault you act like those old ladies in hairdressers who crave love stories and gossip...And we are not together. Me and Hoseok have been best friends since we were 4 years old."

I was about to say something else when I heard a windshield wiper noise appear out of nowhere. Turning around, I saw a boy with light brown hair laughing his ass off.

I raise my eyebrows in disbelief and started laughing myself. The boys around us, even windshield wiper boy, stared at me whilst I laughed.

I knew I had a weird laugh...a very weird laugh, but I didn't care. Only Hoseok was unaffected by my laugh as he was used to it. The rest, well the rest were rolling on the floor, laughing.

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