1: fresh start

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The long highway seemed endless to Benjamin as the small passenger bus made is way over hills and roads hour after hour. The buses tires were practically the only thing that could be heard between the three lawman family members. Thirteen year old benjamin lawmans cloudy green eyes looked out the small bus window, his cheek pressed against the cold glass. He lazily watched as the sun set on the towns, forests and houses that were passing by like a flash before his very eyes

His father, Jonathan, had recently gotten a rather substantial promotion at work. Unfortunately, that meant the family had to make long distance move from a big, snowy city in upstate New York, to the hot and humid desert that was New Orleans. They were moving into a small neighborhood that, according to his parents research, had few kids that were his age. He let out a slightly frustrated sigh at the thought of leaving his friends, and everything else completely behind and trading it for an almost guarantee of complete loneliness. The thought of being completely alone in a town he didn't know at all was daunting to say the very least.

Bens green orbs trailed from the window over to his small carry on suitcase beside him, carrying the belongings of his that weren't in the moving truck behind the bus. He then quickly unzipped it, and pulled out his small iPod, and black earbuds. thinking it would take his mind of his current situation for at least a few moments, he selected a song that would calm his nerves that were now flaring like an allergy at the fear of the unknown. He put the earbuds in his ears and let the serene quiet tune of the music, lull him into an almost calm state, something he hadn't experienced since he first figured out he was moving. Eventually the soft tune of the music sent him quickly into a blissful sleep.

-time skip-
Ben woke up to the sudden jolt and creeks of the old bus stopping. He rubbed his green eyes that were behind his glasses, then looked around the bus. he saw that his parents were already paying the bus driver and walking out of the bus with their things. Ben just quietly sighed, pocketed his iPod, grabbed his suitcase, and walked out of the vehicle, following his parents.

The moment he stepped off of the bus, the humidity that the air carried seemed to completely fall on his shoulders. The air had a mid summer feel to it, even though it was very early in the summer months. Ben took off his black legend of Zelda beanie and tried to cool  off by fanning himself with it. The tactic proved useless however, since he had on a thick green sweater. He then saw his parents walking quickly down the grey sidewalk to a white house with a moving truck parked in the driveway. It didn't seem apparent to Bens parents that they needed to wait up on their son at all, for they didn't slow down when Ben tried to catch up to them. Not that it really bothered Ben anyway, they have always done things like this.

Eventually Ben met his parents in front of a white two story house with the big moving truck parked in the paved driveway. His father opened the trucks back and one by one they all grabbed boxes to put inside.

Ben mostly tried to grab the lighter boxes, like the boxes labeled 'kitchen necessities' or 'Knick knacks'. He just stuck them in the mud room/doorway, and went out to grab another. As he went for a third box, he didn't notice it was labeled 'china' and he realized a bit too late that it was way too heavy for him. He staggered back a bit at the sudden weight and almost fell, until the box in his hands suddenly felt lighter. For a moment he thought that one of his parents had come to help him and then yell at him to be more careful afterwards. However he looked up and saw an unfamiliar face of a boy around his age.

"Need some help with that?" The boy asked, he had emerald green eyes and brown hair that almost had a red tint to it in the sun.
"Uh y-yeah t-thanks" Ben stuttered out. His face tinting red. The two carried the heavy box into the kitchen and sat it down on the hardwood floor. They then both went outside without saying a word, until finally Ben broke the silence when they got out in the small wooden porch.

"Um, I'm Ben" he introduced himself shyly, the boy looked over at Ben, and then cracked a smile.
"I'm liu, liu woods, I live across the street from you" liu explained "I was walking home from the library, when I saw you struggling so I ran over to help"
Ben blushed, "y-yeah, I'm not t-to strong"
"Oh I'm not either, no worries" liu replied, he then rolled up his sleeve and looked at his watch
"Shoot, I wish I could stay but my moms gonna worry if I'm not back soon"
Ben nodded "oh s-sure, I'm sure I'll se ya around"
"Definitely" liu then walked down the small porch steps and made his way over to a grey two story house on the other side of the street. He stopped however on the sidewalk before he crossed the pavement and checked what looked like his phone. Ben watched for a few moments then walked out and back to the moving truck that was almost empty at this point. the only things left were a few pieces of furniture that he was too small to get. He just shrugged and wandered back over to the porch steps, sitting down on the wood once he got there. He reached into his pockets to pull out his phone when he realized that something wasn't where he left it. His phone cord was not in his pocket, where he knew he left it when he got on the bus earlier. 'It must have fallen out' he thought.
"Ugh dammit!" Ben yelled, a little too loudly however for it it caused liu, who was still looking at his phone on the sidewalk, to look up at Ben.
"Something wrong Ben?" He asked in a worried tone, as he started walking back over to Ben
"I left my charger on the bus, it fell out of my pocket" ben Sighed and ran his hands through his blonde hair
"You sure it's not in your bag? You might have misplaced it" liu asked sitting down next to Ben
"No" Ben replied "I never put it in my bag  because it gets tangled up with my other cords"
Liu then thought for a moment, then got up from his sitting position,and ran full speed  to his house and shut the door. In a few moments however, he ran back across the street with a small cord.
"Here you go" liu said, placing the cord in bens small pale hands
"Really? You won't mind?" Ben asked
"Nah, I'll use my brothers, he won't mind" liu replied, smiling
"Thanks, I'll give it back to you, I promise"
"No problem. I've gotta get going,see ya later" liu waved at Ben and then strolled back over to his house across the street. Ben then made his way back inside his own house thinking,
'Hm, this might not be so bad after all'
AN: hey guys snow here! So this is the first chapter of my Jeffxben fanfic and I hope you all enjoy it! If you do then feel free to vote on the chapter or comment! Next chapter will be out soon! Bye guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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