We Meet Again

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My head ached, my skull seemingly throbbing to the beat of my heart. My eyelids felt heavy as I struggled to open them. As my eyes opened, I saw him again. He had the same dirty blonde hair, stubble on his chin and upper lip, and fancy tux. He looked down at me with the same smirk from before. Why could I see his squip now? I looked directly at him.
"Look away, Amanda," Scarlett spoke from beside me. The other squip turned and looked right into Scarlett's eyes. Scarlett's eyes hardened as she stared in disgust at the male squip.
"Why, this is odd," he turned to look at me, "I wasn't sure about the effects of blue Mountain Dew, but now I wish I let Rich drink it. Being able to see and know everyone who had a squip, the power that would come with that.... it's just... amazing." He smiled wickedly.
I glared at the squip. "Where's Rich?" As if on cue, Rich sauntered up to me. His hands gripped the hospital bed.
"I convinced your... whoever she is to you, to let me speak to you alone."
"I think I know what you want to talk about."
He was silent for a moment. "You have a squip don't you? I mean, I can't see your squip... but apparently mine can see you and you can see him."
I looked back to the squip, "Yeah, I can see him, and I don't like him."
Rich looked to his squip, then back to me, his eyes screaming that he agreed. "Yeah... um... he can be a pain. Speaking of pain, are ok? Is your squip still working?"
"Oh, her squip is working just fine," Rich's squip said.
Scarlett glared at him, "Shut the fuck up..."
I turned my attention back to Rich, "Um, I'm still in some pain, but it's actually subsiding pretty quickly." I hadn't realized it until then, but I was feeling much better.
"Ok, well... I hope you work out whatever that blue Mountain Dew did to you," Rich said, turning to leave.
"Yeah, I'll try." Rich walked off and Ricky came running up to me.
"Oh my goodness sweetie! What happened to you?"
"I don't know," I lied.  "I just want to leave. I feel a lot better."
Ricky was silent, lost in thought for a moment, "I'll see what I can do."
I entered the house for the second time that day, still bewildered at all that had happened already. I walked into my room, casting a glance to the clock. 5:47 pm. I sigh as I sat myself on to the bed.
"They probably think I'm crazy now. Well, except Rich."
Scarlett sat beside me, "As much as I don't like being so vulnerable, having other squips able to see me, it's a good thing that another squip owner was among them. He can talk to them."
"Ok," I said shakily. "So, did that blue Mountain Dew do anything else to you?"
Scarlett clenched her fists. "No."
I looked at her suspiciously, "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." I didn't quite believe her, but went along with it. She was here to help me, she wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I walked out of my room, not wanting to stay still any longer. My mission in life, was to stay clear of any and all Mountain Dews.
"Is there anything I can do?" I asked Ricky. "Like, chores?"
Ricky looked up from the magazine she was reading, "You don't have to do anything, Sweetie."
"But I want to."
"Ok.. could you take the trash out?"
"Yeah! I'll go do that." I walked to the full trash can, pulling the bag out and tying in shut. I slung the bag over my shoulder, walking out the house. As I was walked to the larger trash can, I saw a familiar face.
"Michael!" I shouted.
He turned to look at me, his own bag of trash in his hand. "Oh, hey!" He threw the trash away, jogging over to me. "What's up?"
I showed him the bag I'm carrying, "Same as you."
"Here, I'll help you with that." He grabbed the bag from my hand, tossing it away for me.
"Thanks," I smiled at him.
"No problem. Say, did you get a copy of Apocalypse of the Damned?"
I frowned, "Sadly, no."
"That's a bummer."
"You know what would make me feel better?" I start, "If you let me play with you!"
Michael laughed nervously, bringing a hand to scratch the back of his head, "Yeah?"
"Well, I could use a friendly face at school," I said.
"What did we talk about, Amanda?" Scarlett materialized beside Michael. "You can't be friends with him."
My smile faltered. Michael took notice of this, "Is something wrong?"
"No!" I yelped a bit too loudly, "Just a little stressed about starting a new school I guess..."
"Well, there's always a place for you at me and my buddy's lunch table."
I mustered a smile, "Thanks. I appreciate that." Just then rain began to sprinkle on to my face. I looked up to the dark clouds.
"We should probably get inside," Michael stated.
I grabbed his wrist, "No, stay, I love the rain," I gave him a genuine smile, releasing his hand. I twirled around, my face looking up to the sky. Small rain drops landed on my face, taking minimal pieces of makeup with them as they dripped off my face. I giggled as I turned back to see Michael smiling at me. I reached out, grabbing his hands, then spun us both around slowly in the rain.
"Isn't this weather just beautiful?" I ask him.
His cheeks were slightly pink as he replied, "It is pretty nice." I stopped spinning, keeping hold of Michael's hands. I stared into his eyes, and he looked back at me.
"Amanda, we need to go," Scarlett says, tapping her leg impatiently. The rain began to quicken, the drops becoming larger.
I dropped Michael's hands, "We should probably go in now."
"Yup," he agreed. "See you at school tomorrow."
"See you!"
It had already been a few hours later, but I couldn't keep my thoughts away from Michael. Scarlett... wasn't to happy about this. "Amanda, you need to listen to me, what you want is to fit in, and for that to happen, you need to stay clear of Michael," Scarlett was fuming.
"But... if I just ignore him now, he'll think I'm a terrible person," I told her, sitting on the floor of my bedroom.
"I told you that you couldn't be friends with him, but now you've gotten attached."
I fiddled with my fingers, "I... I didn't mean to."
Scarlett sighed, materializing next to me, "I know you didn't... but now, I have to fix this mess you've dug yourself into. You need to avoid Michael."
"How can I do that?" I almost shouted. "We're neighbors."
"That fact does make it more difficult to avoid him... but I have my ways."
    I sighed, "Ok." I pulled myself up from the floor, grabbing a comic book from my dresser. I made myself comfy on my bed, opening the book to read it. A yawn escaped my mouth, making me realize how tired I really was. It wasn't long until I fell asleep.
    My phone blasted a song from my favorite video game once again. I stretched my arms out, yawning. I reached under my pillow, silencing my alarm. I dragged my legs over the bed, not wanting Scarlett to make me get up her way... her very painful way. I stumbled over to my dresser, pulling open a few drawers.
    "So... what should I wear?" I turned to look at Scarlett.
    "The black ripped jeans and laced, yellow shirt. Tuck it into your jeans, then top everything off with some white Converse."
    "Ok," I reluctantly agreed, pulling the items from the dress. I put them on, wondering if Ricky had any granola bars. I traveled to the kitchen, searching the oak cabinets until I found them.
    "Ah ha!" I said triumphantly. I pulled a bar from the box, greedily munching it down. I was surprised at my own hunger. I finished the bar, throwing away the wrapper. I walked into my room, grabbing things for my hair and face. After I exited my room, it was time for the hunt for the bathroom.
    "It right here..." Scarlett said, pointing to a door next to my bedroom.
    "Oh... ok." I opened the door to the bathroom, cringing as a loud noice erupted from the squeaky hinges. I quickly ran through my new mornin routine, running out of the bathroom to grab my phone and backpack that Ricky had waiting for me. I slung it over my shoulder, a piece of paper flittering to the ground. I knelt down to pick it up. It was my schedule. I ran out of the door, the bus zooming pass me. I guess I was walking.
I pushed open the doors of Middle Borough High School. As I walked through the busy halls my eyes scanned my schedule, then the room numbers. Ok. I was lost. I looked up from the paper, my eyes darting from side to side. I crashed into someone, and they seem to appear from thin air.
"Ah, sorry. I didn't see you there." I picked my schedule up from the floor. "Oh, hey Michael," I said once I stood up.
He laughed, "How do we keep meeting like this?"
"I don't know. It's like... fate." I let out a small giggle.
Then I heard the tapping of heels. "Amanda, ignore him."
I glanced over to Scarlett. "Well, I better go," I told him, looking once more to my schedule.
"Are you sure? You look pretty lost," Michael eyed the paper gripped in my hand.
"Umm..." I opened my mouth to say 'Yeah, I really need some help,' but that's not what came out. "No, I can manage." The smile on my face was fake.
"Well... see you later then, Amanda," Michael walked away, and I looked over to Scarlett, confused.
I walked up next to her, "What was that?" I asked under my breath.
"You wouldn't listen to me. I had to take matters into my own hands."
"That's..." I began, stopping myself. Was it really the best idea to tell my squip that she was being kind of creepy?
"I wouldn't use the word, 'creepy,' persay. I'm just trying to help you."
"I think controlling my actions is taking it a bit to far," I whispered.
"Trust me, Amanda. There is much worse I can do." I didn't respond, but continued walking. My feet stopped when I saw a group of familiar teens in front of me. Riche's squip turned to look at me. He said something to Rich, causing him to look over to me. Rich waved a hand, beckoning me to come over. I forced myself to walk over to the group. I took a spot by Rich.
Chloe looked at me quizzically. "What happened yesterday?"
"Oh, um..." I glanced to Rich, then back to Chloe, begging for Scarlett's help.
"Tell her that the doctors didn't know. Play it off," Scarlett told me.
"I don't really know," I began, shrugging, "Evan the doctors were fucking confused."
"Weird," Jake said.
"Yeah, weird," I agreed. "So, do any of you happen to know where the ELA classrooms are?" I waved my schedule in the air. "I'm kinda lost..." I admitted.
"I'll show you around," Jake offered, walking up next to me. His arm slithered around my waist, making me uncomfortable.
"Thanks," I said, trying to remain calm.
He smiled at me, "No problem. We should probably get going." He steered me away from the rest of the group. Other students casted glances in our direction, mainly staring at Jake's arm wrapped around me.
"Lean against his shoulder," Scarlett directed, appearing beside me. Slowly, and awkwardly, I lowered my head onto his shoulder. It felt... wrong. "Look into Jake's eyes, thank him again now that you're both alone," Scarlett spoke.
Against my instincts, I looked into Jake's eyes. "Thank you. I would be lost without you." I added a charming smile at the end.
He flashed me a bright smile with perfect teeth. "It's not a big deal, really..." He continued to look at me. We stopped. "This is the English hall. I hope you join me at lunch."
As his arm left my waist, I trailed a finger down down his arm. "See you then." He smiled, pivoting on his foot. My nerves began to calm. That was awful. I sighed, looking to the room number on my schedule. I entered the correct room right as the bell rung.
    Tray in hand, I scanned the cafeteria. I located the table with Jake, but I turned to look at a table in the back. I saw a boy in a stripped shirt talking to... no one? I closed my eyes, then open them again to see him talking with Michael. I squinted, was he always there? I tried to take a step in the direction of his table, only to take one one the opposite direction.
    "What are you doing?" I asked Scarlett.
    "You must sit at Jake's table," she replied matter of factly.
    "Also, why couldn't I see Michael?" I question her harshly. I sat down next to Jake, my mouth faking a smile.
    "It's called optic nerve blocking. I blocked Michael from your vision. You must become closer to these people. They will help you achieve what you want," Scarlett told me. I took one last glance to Michael, before returning back to Jake.
    "Hi!" I said enthusiastically.
    "Hey," he smirked.
    I looked to my food, then to the rest of the gang, "So, what's this," I gestured to the slop on my tray, "supposed to be?"
    Brooke poked at her slop with a fork, "I don't really know..." I let out a faint laugh as Jake dropped an arm around my shoulders. It took everything in me not to shove his arm away. I looked to the cafeteria entrance as a short girl with shoulder length, dark brown hair. She wore a plaid dress with colorful leggings and a denim jacket. Curious, I watched as she walked excitedly to a sign up sheet for... a play! She wrote her name down, then trotted away. Rich followed my gaze, turning around to see the stripped shirt boy pick up the pen. He seemed conflicted on what he should do before ultimately deciding to add his name to the page.
    "Gay!" Rich shouted. The boy turned around, letting the pen drop along with his head. He sat back down, the rest of the cafeteria snickering at the joke. The anger bubbling inside me, I jump up from my seat, Jake's arm falling off of me.
    "Are you going to freak out again?" Chloe asked. I didn't bother to look at her as I rushed to the poster.
    "Amanda, what are you doing?" Scarlett asked. I ignored her. "You need to stop this before I have to do something drastic."
    "Drama is my life, I've told you this before," I spat, arriving to the sheet. I grabbed the pen, turning to shoot a glare at Rich and his smirking squip. I wrote my name in large, cursive letters under the name 'Jeremy.' I turned to the staring cafeteria, something coming over me.
    "Now, is anyone going to call me gay?" I shouted. They were silent. "That's what I thought!" I turned to Michael's table. He and that Jeremy kid were staring at me in disbelief. I turned back to Jake's table.
    "I hope you didn't just mess things up," Scarlett muttered, her head in her hands. Just then, the bell rung, all the students exiting. Michael cast me one last glance before following Jeremy.
    "Would it really be that bad if I did mess things up?" I asked, walking back to the table to grab my bookbag.
    "You may have just crushed your chances to fit in." My backpack over my shoulder, I paused. The weight of the situation I put myself in had finally set in. "You need to listen to me, Amanda."
    "Yeah. I know."
I was walking down the music hall once again, my eyes set on the drama room. I was a bit late, getting lost again, but I finally arrived to the drama room again. I pushed open the door to see a blushing Jeremy sitting next to the girl who signed the sheet before him. I met her during my first day of drama class... she was a bit... enthusiastic.
"I can't believe that play rehearsal starting soon!" Christine exclaimed, looking at Jeremy.
"Um, hey," I greeted, waving my hand nervously.
"Oh, hi, Amanda!" Christine responded.
"You're the girl who, um, who stood up for me? I mean, it seemed like you were standing up for me, but I, uh, you could have not been standing up for me. I don't know...um, sorry this is awkward," Jeremy stammered.
A smiled, giggling, "I was definitely standing up for you. Drama is my life, and if you like it too, you shouldn't be ridiculed."
Scarlett materialized beside me. She eyed Jeremy intently. "You need to keep an eye on Jeremy... his probable future could affect you negatively." I have a small nod as to not alert Jeremy or Christine, then took a seat by Christine.
Mr. Reyes then walked into the room, followed by the group I was sitting with at lunch. "We are so lucky this year to be joined by the popular kids!" Chloe and Brooke walked in, side by side, followed by a girl I hadn't seen before. Rich came in as well, followed by Jake. Rich took the seat next to me, Chloe, Brooke, and the other girl sat in the row behind me. Jake hesitated a few seconds, his eyes lingering on Christine. Then he slowly took a seat next to Jeremy.
"Welcome to the first play rehearsal for the production of A Midsummer Nightmare," Christine let out an exited squeal and I bit my lip as to not squeal as well. Mr. Reyes continued, "However, changes will be made due to our lack of audience and interest in the after school plays lately." Christine and my face fell. "We will be adding Zombies to the script."
"Zombies?" Christine shouted, standing up. "This is unacceptable! You can't disgrace Shakespeare like this!"
I stood up too, "I completely agree!"
"Girls, he's dead. You need to get over it." Christine sat down, defeated, but I was not about to give up so easily.
"Sit down," Scarlett said. I let out a sigh, returning to my seat. I hadn't paid any attention to Rich's squip until he chuckled from beside me. Scarlett crossed her arms, "What's so funny?"
"It's just nice, talking to another squip."
"Well, I'd prefer not to speak with you."
I turned my attention back to Mr. Reyes, who was passing out scripts, "Read over these and practice the parts you want. I'm going to go eat a hot pocket." I took my script, flipping it open. Someone then tapped my shoulder. I turned to see the girl I hadn't recognized.
"Let's practice together," she demanded.
Scarlett nodded her head. "Accept."
"Um... ok."

Word Count: 3236

The New Girl: A Be More Chill Fan Fiction (Maybe Discontinued?)Where stories live. Discover now