-2 Was it meant to be {E}

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Emerson Had been distant lately and it was scaring me because He was all I had,He'd been going out alot lately and hadn't been making time for me so I sat at home watching some stupid Romantic movie When I heard the door open.It was emerson "Hey" He said under his breath "Hey em,Daniel just texted me asking If I wanted to hangout so I think I'm gonna go I'll be back at around 10:30" I lied straight through my teeth,Daniel never asked me to hangout But just looking at emerson made my heart shatter into a million pieces. "Alright bye" He said giving Me a confused look,He didn't even say I love you.I put my shoes on And went out to the car,I started driving to god knows where,Then I got a call from emerson. I answered it "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU Y/N,I CALLED DANIEL AND HE NEVER ASKED YOU TO HANGOUT" he growled "Emerson I just went for a drive and besides you go out all the time and don't even tell me where you're going"I spat back at him,It went silent for a minute "YEAH Y/N CAUSE I HAVE A FUCKING JOB,I DO IT ALL FOR YOU AND HERE YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY I'M CHEATING ON YOU" my heart shattered "I'll be home in 15" I said in between my tears.I got to the house ran inside to emerson and hugged him for What felt like forever "I-I'm s-sor-ry e-m I-I-I love y-you" I sobbed "Y/n I love you and would never do anything to hurt you always remember that" He said as he grabbed My cheeks and closed the space between us,Maybe it was meant to be

{A/N} that was so bad i'm so sorry💓

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