Chapter 1

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~Myra's POV~

My alarm goes off at 7:30 a.m. and I know I have to get up but I don't really want to. I look over to where my outfit I had set out for school was and I reluctantly get up and start getting ready. I take a shower, wash my face, put on my makeup, and get dressed. I look at my clock and realize it's 8:15 a.m. Shit I'm going to be late my first day if school because it starts in 15 minutes. So I go downstairs and grab some breakfast and start walking to my bus stop. I'm almost there when I see a bus in front of me and I realize that it is my bus. Shit- now not only did I miss my bus, I now have to walk to school, and I'm going to be late my first day. So it took me to 20 minutes to get to school, and when I got there I looked at the clock and it was 8:40 a.m.

         So I pull out my map of the school to help me find my first period classroom and  when I found I opened the door and everyone turns and stares at me. The teacher looks at me and says,"Where have you been class started 10 minutes ago?" I looked at everyone then back at her "um sorry I got lost I'm new this year so I don't know where anything is." She looks at me and says,"Fine but don't let it happen again, I'll go get you a hand out so while I'm gone ask someone what you missed."  "Okay" and then I took my seat as she walked out of the room. I look to my right and there is a girl whom I then asked what I had missed and she ignored me. I thought to myself,well she is a bitch. So I looked to my left and there is a guy who I asked what I had missed and he said,"Nothing much, she was just talking about what we were going to do this year." "oh okay, thanks." "No problem and oh by the way my name is Jacob Zander." "oh my name is Myra Night." Jacob looked straight into my eyes and said "wow that is a beautiful name." "thanks."

        Just then the teacher came back in and handed me the handout. Thanks. She said,"and don't lose or you will have to pay me to get a new one." "Okay." And then my first period class-History- resumed again.

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