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This is also on Ao3! 10 chapters are already uploaded there, and while I will upload the whole thing here eventually it may take a few days lol.  If you'd rather read it there, my account name is: Take_me_to_Wonderland. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy reading it and have a great time! :)


Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend to leave and then,
we'll meet again,
When both our cars collide.



That was all he could see. It was almost as if he was stuck, constantly swimming through an endless abyss of black, all hope of ever seeing the light of day was drained away.

How long had it been like this? How long had he been gone?

It felt like an eternity, but then it could have merely been a couple of days... maybe minutes. Is this what it was like to be in a coma- to be asleep constantly, yet not completely gone? It was a strange sort of feeling, he couldn't see anything, he couldn't feel. There was nobody there to talk to him, all he had left was his thoughts to keep him company. It's lonely...

He died.

He couldn't help but revive his final living moments... he didn't want to go... it wasn't fair. He still had so much he wanted to do, so much he still wanted to say. He was an avenger now, he had a world to protect- he had lives to save, and yet here he was inside of this infinite black void... floating around like a jellyfish without a purpose. Seems like his bad luck had decided to strike one last time.

Mr Stark, I don't feel so good

It was because they failed. That purple villain... Thanos was it? Peter couldn't quite remember, he supposed it didn't really matter anyway, not any more. Thanos had gotten what he wanted in the end, presumably he'd snapped his fingers back on Earth, and sealed the fate of the entire universe, wiping out half the population of all life in existence. How many other people had met the same fate as Peter had? He hadn't really thought about it at the time, feeling more worried about his own life than that of anyone around him. Selfish.

I don't want to go

Looking back, he tried to remember. He could almost hear what it was like back on Titan, he could almost feel the very ground on which he stood. He remembered the people he was there fighting with. Mr Stark was there-

Oh God, Mr Stark. Did he die too? That couldn't have happened, right? He was right there, standing at his side when he drifted away himself. But then.. Mr Stark did get stabbed by Thanos, pretty badly too. What if he died from his wounds, or did he die the same way as he had, fading away only to be captured by the haunting darkness which had become all Peter knew at this point.

But Mr Stark couldn't have died, no. He had to have survived. He was strong, he was Iron Man, he was a superhero who had saved the world countless times... he meant so much to so many people, he meant- no, he still means so much to Peter; Mr Stark was the greatest mentor Peter could have ever asked for- no that wasn't true... he was like a father to him. Of course he'd never actually tell that to the man, he'd find him even weirder than he already does.

But now, he'd never even get the chance to tell him. Because he'd gone and abandoned Me Stark on Titan by going and dying right in front of him. He was probably so disappointed in him...

And there were other people there too; other heros who risked their lives fighting against Thanos on that cursed planet. Dr Strange was there, who Peter quite enjoyed the company of. He was not just a literal genius, but also a real life wizard- Peter would have liked to see what kinds of spells he could do; maybe he could have even taught him a thing or two about magic. That would have been so awesome. Had he survived too? Perhaps he used his magic to escape the clutches of death...

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