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A little filler here. But what's a sandwich without the filing, am I right?


But there's hope out the window.
So that's where we'll go.


"Karen, where's the nearest vehicle?"

"I detect the presence of a Q-Ship roughly two miles away from your destination."

A Q-Ship? What even was that? It sounded like some kind of dodgy spacecraft, at least, and Peter had never heard of anything with that name. But at least it was something. And two miles? That was nothing. He'd make it there in no time, and before he knew it he'd be back home and it would be like none of this even happened in the first place.

It'd be like he didn't die, and like they didn't fail to defeat Thanos. It'd be like everything was alright, even though he knew inside that after this things never really would go back to the way they were before.

Maybe that was a good thing though, maybe the Avengers would unite to defeat the big purple grape that thought he could go around messing up half the universe's lives. Maybe after working together, they'd realise how much they missed being a team- and Mr Stark and Captain Rogers would shake hands and everything would be alright.

That was the dream, anyway. Peter hoped he would live to see something like that happen. It was insane- the fact that he got to fight alongside some of the most incredible heros in the world; he only hoped that they'd be able to do it again sometime. Just, as long as the entire population of the universe wasn't affected by the outcome of the battle. Because that was never fun.

If he got home, maybe he'd be there for the final showdown with Thanos, if it hadn't happened already. With that in mind, Peter decided he should probably set off sooner rather than later, and after being pointed in the right direction by good old, reliable Karen, he was well on his way to find the Q-Ship.

The planet's rocky terrain was kinda difficult to walk long distances on, though, he soon learnt. And after nearly falling a few (okay, 14) times, he decided to catch up with Karen, because as far as he knew, she was the only company on this planet until he reached the so-called 'Q-Ship.'

"So, Karen, wonderful weather we're having, huh?" In hindsight, he wasn't the best at making small talk; not just with humans but with all kinds of beings- including AI.

Even Karen sounded like she pitied his awkward social skills, "The atmosphere on this planet does not allow for different weather patterns." She said bluntly, "But I'm glad you're enjoying the dry winds."

In all honesty, he hadn't even really noticed the weather up until now. He'd been more, uh, distracted by other things. Like how he'd just miraculously come back to life for no reason, and now he was stranded on a planet with just an AI to talk to. Apparently life was really out to get him.

"I mean- sure, I love the weather here. It's cool to be on an alien planet all alone, don't you think so Karen?" He had to be optimistic about the whole situation. Then he definitely wouldn't die again. He really, really didn't want to die again.

"I think so. Weather is always an interesting topic, I suppose." Karen sounded thoughtful, "But I'm sure the weather back on Earth is much more varied than it is on Titan."

He just hoped he'd be able to go back home soon to see the weather there.

He didn't need to say anything in response, and suddenly the idea of small talk with an AI seemed much less grappling than it did a couple of minutes ago. He just looked around at the vast, empty, red skies surrounding him and continued his trek across the planet. He only had to go two miles but now it felt like two hundred.

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