Chapter 8

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Zach's P.O.V:

Mine and Abby's conversation was really amazing. When I talked about our music her face would light up. I knew she was a fan but I hadn't known she was a fan since the start. She explained how she found out about us and how out music got her through tough times in her life, I wanted to know what was going on that made her life so miserable but I figured she didn't explan for a reason. I saw Cam out of the corner of my eyes standing aganist the small door frame starring at Abby. He smiled the whole time not taking his attention off of her, he liked her... a lot. I could see the sparkle in her eyes everytime I said his name and I could tell she liked him a lot also. I really wish he would ask her out already.

Cameron's P.O.V:

Starring at her beautiful face and assortment of freckles down her arms and on her cheeks only made me want her more. This was killling me, not being able to hold her in my arms and kiss her all over right then and there. I needed to plan something, something huge. This kiss needed to be perfect and i think I already had an idea on what I wanted to do.

Abby's P.O.V:

Talking to Zach made me relieze how much these guys helped me through all the stuff with my mom and dad. Talking to him, it felt like I was talking to an older brother. If this thing with Cameron and I worked out, I knew Zach would be there for me. As I was in conversation with Zach it was hard to concertrate, I could feel Cameron's eyes on me his beautiful green eyes just starring intently at me. Were Cameron and I really going to become a thing? As these thoughts were racing through my mind I heard noises from the back part of the bus. I forgot I haden't sceen Victoria and Michael since we first got on the bus. "Abby!" said Victoria in a bubbly voice. I instantly got up and hugged her. "I'm so sorry I left you, I'm the worst best friend ever." I said into her sholder. "Honestly Abby, you're apolgizing?" she said pulling me back to look at me. "Yeah I kinda left you and from the way Mike described you when he saw you walking around you seemed scared and upset." I said back to her. "Honestly Abs its alright Mike found me and I was looking for him, the reason I was frantic was because I saw Cameron bump into you and I didn't want to ruin the moment for you, so I texted the other girls and told them what happned." she said smiling "Then why did you call me 13 times?" i asked "Umm Abs your my best friend and you left with the guy of you fricken dreams, of course im gonna call you a million times." she said in a wisper so Cameron couldn't hear. "I love you" i said and hugged her. I looked up to see Cameron getting harassed by Zach, Dillion, Brent, and Mikey. I knew he would get a bunch of questions from them so I decided to go over and help him out. I walked over to Cameron and took his hand for dramatic effect. All 4 boys saw and started playfully slapping his arm and saying "Congrats man! You finally got a girlfriend". Cameron and I smiled at eachother and just shook our heads.

Cameron's P.O.V:

I knew the boys would harrass me about Abby and I. When they thought we were dating I didn't deny it and neither did Abby and I didn't mind. Victoria made her way over to Michaels side and he took her hand and put his arm around her waist. I saw the blush appear on her cheeks, I turned my attention towards Abby and saw her gazing at Victoria and Mikey. I wonder if she wanted me to do that to her? hold her close to me as if i wasnt going to let her go. "Abby?" I murmured while the others were distracted. "Yes?" her attention geared toward me now. "Wanna have a tour of the bus?" i asked "Yeah, are you gonna be my tour guide Mr. Quiseng?" she added with a wink. I blushed at the last statment and said "Yes Miss Carter, the one and only." i entertwined my fingers with hers only to feel a sudden rush of sparks run through my body. If this is how I felt when I held her hand imagine my reaction if we did other things together. "Our first stop on the tour bus is the kitchen area" I annouced. "Oh this is amazing" Abby taunted. "Ill save the best room for last so get ready." I added with a smile "Okay! Can't wait for that Mr.Quiseng" she replied. I showed her the rest of the bus and saved the best room for last, the bunks. "And here we are, the bunk beds." i exclaimed. Abby just looked at me and mentioned "This really is amazing" i knew she was lying. I looked around and reliezed why she wasn't impressed, gifts from our fans were strune all over, beds weren't even attempted to be made, and my Lorax doll was on my pilliow. Well that was embarrassing. I let out a quick giggle and turned my gaze towards Abby's huge smiling face. "I like your.... doll, but your Harry Potter sheets can't compare." "Thanks they are pretty amazing aren't they?" I replied. "They are amazing Cameron." she said rubbing my arm. "Would you like to sit down with me?"I asked, although my bunk on the very bottom it was hard to sit down but maybe I didnt want to do much sitting. She agreed so we sat. "It's kinda hard to sit Cameron." she pointed out. "Well we could lay down if you want?" I asked. She turned her attention toward me the sparkle in her eyes became more apparent, she procced to nod. I let go of her hand and layed down first, she hesitated and layed down next to me. It was awkward at first but i took it upon myself to lay on my side, she mimicked my postion. I put my arm around her waist and my other arm rested underneath her head. I pulled her closer so there was barely any space between our 2 bodies, I could feel her heartbeat and i could feel her breath quicken. "Your beautiful" i breathed in her ear. She shivered and replied with a "Thank you". Suddenly she turned on her other side facing me, our faces inches from eachother. She started to lean in and said "Your concert starts in 15 minutes Mr. Quiseng". I smiled and procced to slightly kiss her nose. Blush apperared on her face and she roled over and got of my bunk. I sighed and said "Can't you just come back and cuddle with me more?" "I wish Cameron, but your fans out there have been wating for hours, I can speek from experience." I slowly inched toward the side of the bed. I finally sat up and I took her hand again we opened the small door and walked out into the kitchen area. Michael, Dillion, Zach, Victoria, and Brent all waited for us already dressed. "I should probably get my clothes on for the concert." "Yeah" all the boys said in unsion. I dropped my hand from Abby's and wispered in her ear "I'll be right back" she nodded and smiled. I walked back to where we just came from.

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