Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Flasback: "Mom you don't understand they mean everything to me!" i screamed "Abiagil Rae knock it off! they are a band they aren't god so stop making it seem like they are!" my mother yelled back "Whatever! like you understand i can't stand the way you belittle them if you won't support me and my likes then i wont suport you!" i said "Abigail please stop don't leave your all i have left!" my mother said as i was walking out the front door.

Present: Although that night hasnt hapened in 3 years its still fresh in my mind, everytime i close my eyes i see my mothers sadnded face the tears rolling down her cheeks and what did i do? just walk away. "Abby we gotta go" said my best friend Victoria "Alright i said ill be ready in 10 minutes" i said wipping the tears from my cheek. Victoria took me in when i ran away from home those 3 years ago ,shes my best friend and i wouldnt trade her for anything in the entire world. She knows how i feel about my mother and everything that had happned so when she sees me crying she dosen't know what to say anymore, there really isn't anything she can say. i have lived in San Diego, Califorina since i was 11 years old. Before i lived here, I lived in New York City with my mother and father ,my father worked on wall street and we lived in a pent house and our life was wonderful.My mother was a stay at home mom and she loved it! Life was amazing and we couldnt be the more perfect family. One day my father came home looking like he had just got done crying, my mother looked at him puzzled and quickley ran over to him. His eyes looked lost, my mother, as uptight as she was started frantically yelling his name. "ROGER!" tears started rolling down both of their cheeks including mine. Through his sobs we fantly heard, "we lost it, we lost everything Ada" My mother looked if anything shocked, my father was a great at his job after all these years he had never made a mess up and now he did. Needless to say we had to leave our lavish lifestyle. My mother found a job as a grocery store clerk at the local supermarket while my father did nothing. Day in and day out he would sit on the couch and eat junk food not being bothered to help me with school or pick me up or anything for that matter. After months of constant fighting between my parents my mother filed for a divorice and thats how we ended up in San Diego. I only spoke to my Roger on christmas and birthdays but other than that we never spoke. "Abby! come on get dressed" Victoria said bringing me back to reality. "We are going to miss the concert if you don't get your ass moving!" she said staring at me with those big brown eyes "Okay, Okay let me just take a shower" i said in an annoyed tone "You know Abs, for going to see your favorite band of all time you sure dont seem to thrilled" she said in a joking fashion "i dont know why im not excited? guess seeing Allstar Weekend hasn't kicked in, but it will" i said while laughing. I got up off the bed and started making my way toward the bathroom. Victoria's room was so tiny you could barely move. But thats the setback of living in a tiny apartment near campus. Victoria and I were both in our senior year of college at Strayer University in San Diego, i plan on becoming a middle school english teacher while Victoria wants to go into nursing. Victoria and i both met in 7th grade i remember the day excalty.I walked into school wearing my favorite black and white polka dot top and dark blue jeans and sliver flats with my long dark brown hair straight. My first class was english, room 112 i walked in only seeing one empty desk next to a very tall but small figured girl with a pink top on that said "own the night" and a short jean skirt with gray converse's as shoes, her dark brown hair was pulled into a side braid with a small ribbion tying it at the end. "Hi!" she said smiling up at me. "Im Victoria Sawyer, whats your name?" she said with a smile "Hi! Im Abiagil Carter, but you can call me Abby." Right then and there Victoria and I were best friends and we still are after 10 years. "What do you want for breakfest Abs?" yelled Victoria from the kitchen "Just some cereal" I said back as i was getting undressed in the bathroom. i took a quick shower and blowdried my hair and then procceded in curl it. The whole time singing my favorite song from my favorite band "Allstar Weekend". Allstar Weekend became a band in 2009 while I was in my freshman year of college I feel in love right away, they ment everything to me, my mother thought I was crazy and thats one of the reasons why I left the house, even though I was old enough to stay on my own I stayed with her for moral support after all the years of abussive boyfriends I stayed with her to make sure she didnt do anything drastic. I finally got sick of all the taunts from her and telling me'Why spend your money on all there stupid concerts and stupid merchndise' and things like 'they are just a band and nothing more'. after months of this i left i talked to my mother once trying to mend the bridge i had burned but she still acted the same way, i told her to support me or get out of my life forever. Apparently she chose to stay out of my life. "Abby!!!" yelled Victoria again "Tori Calm down, im getting dressed" I yelled back getting more frustrated, Victoria hated being late for anything. I looked through the "many" clothes i had in my closet i had to look good today. I settled on a marron lace top with a my light washed jeans and my black converses. I finshed putting on the little make up that i wear and walked out to the kitchen. "Your humming again Abs" said Victoria while shoving a piece of toast in her mouth. " I'm sorry i just am excited i really hope they play 'The Last Time' its one of my favorite new songs of theres" i said. Victoria wasnt a huge fan of Allstar Weekend but she supported me because she knew how important they were to me. i started singing the lyrics out of tune to annoy Victoria, it was so easy to make her upset "Just for tonight, Can i love you like its the last time?". "if you keep singing like that you won't be getting any love from me tonight, hopefully Cameron will do that" Victoria said while laughing "Ha Ha very funny Tori" I said looking at her through my squinted eyes. "come on the concert starts in 3 hours, you want to get a good seat ,don't you?" Victoria said. "Of course i do! i spent good money on these tickets! and i WILL get front row this time" "Why? so dreamy Cameron will look into your eyes and fall in love?" Victoria joked with me alot about my intrest in Cameron, the bass player of Allstar Weekend, after all he is qutie handsome and we are smiliar in age so why not? "Lets just go Tori" I got up and threw my bowl in the sink and ran back to the bathroom and got my purse and did a double check in the mirrior. I felt good today, something good was going to happen to me i felt it in my gut.

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