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When I had finally finished my talk with Edward we came to a compromise. If I got to spend the night at my fathers house for one night with Renesmee then I would pick up and leave early to Denali. Though it pained him to see us go even if it was just for a day he didn't argue. He knew that if he wanted me to leave with him and moved hundreds of miles away from the only family I had left he needed to give me this one day.

Sitting in the drivers seat of my truck I slowly passed through the town of Forks. For once I was going under the speed limit but only so I could make sure I didn't miss a single detail of this town.

I loved this town but not because it was the greatest. I loved this town because it brought me my life, my future, my eternity. I knew if it wasn't for Forks I would never have met Edward, I never would have fallen in love, I never would have gotten married and I would never have my Renesmee.

The normal 5 minute drive to my fathers turned into a 20 minute drive with thousands of impatient honks from drivers who couldn't stand me keeping my speed limit at 10 mph in a 25 zone. On any other day this would have driven me insane but missing out on the town that shaped me would have driven me worse.

When I pulled up outside my fathers house I let the truck idle for a few minutes to recall memories that happened in this house. I remember the first day I came here. Seeing Jake after all those years brought a smile to me.

Peering up at the window that was my bedroom when I lived here I recalled the memory of when Edward had first come in through the window. The first time he held me in his arms while I slept I knew I had changed. Without him I felt like half of me was missing.

A kick to my seat pulled me out of my thoughts and I quickly turned around. Renesmee had a large innocent smile on her face as she looked at me. The type of innocent smile that one would use to get out of trouble if they had done something wrong.

"Can we go inside please?" She asked me as she unbuckled herself from her carseat.

I nodded my head as I turned off the engine and slid from the truck. "Go straight inside I'll be right behind you with our things." I said as I went to the back of the truck to get our night bag.

Before Renesmee had gone inside my father came out. The first thing I saw was a ring on his ring finger. He was married.

"Dad?" I said as he lifted Renesmee into his arms. I pointed towards his ring and nervously cleared my throat. "So when were you going to tell me?" I asked, slightly hurt that he kept this a secret.

"Bella we just got back from the court house and was going to call you to come over and celebrate, just the four of us but it seems you beat me to it." His eyes fell to the suitcase in my hands and I saw his face grow serious. "Are you getting a div-"

I dropped the suitcase and covered my ears. I didn't want to hear that word. I didn't like that word at all. "Please dad stop... stop." After a few seconds I dropped my hand from my ears. "Edward and I are perfectly happy and in love." I said quickly. I nervously cleared my throat to kill the awkwardness between us. "So... where is my step mom?" I asked.

"She's inside cooking dinner." He sat Renesmee to her feet and took my overnight bag from my hands. "I'll go in and let her know you are here so she can make more." He said as he headed inside.

I took Renesmee's hand and followed him inside. When I was a few feet from the door I caught of a whiff of what I remembered to be Harry Clearwaters homemade fish fry. That was one of my dads favorite meals.

I walked into the kitchen and gave Sue a hug. "Welcome to the family." I congradulated her before placing a kiss on her cheek. "You are good for him." I said

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now