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I waited in the safety of my father and Jakes company as my mother disappeared into the woods. I waited nervously half expecting to hear her scream again but there was nothing but silence.

I looked up at my father. "Daddy is mommy okay?" I thought in my mind to him.

He place his hand on my shoulder. "Yes, your mother is fine." He said in response to my mental question.

I sighed before I held up my arms for him to pick me up. I loved it when my daddy held me I always felt extra safe in his arms.

For what felt like hours - but in reality was five minutes - I waited patiently for the return of my mother.

"No Renesmee I can't hear any words but I know she is there I can smell her scent." My father said answering another mental question.

I clutched my fathers shirt as I lay my head on his shoulder. Then he started rubbing my back. Almost immediately I began to grow tired. I was half asleep when my senses picked up movements that were abnormal to my surroundings.

I snapped my head up and quickly looked around. Coming out of the forest was my mother alive and well.

When she made it to my side I reached out for her and was immediately taken into her arms.

"I though you were gone." I squeaked.

My mother responded with a reassuring hug. "I'm not going anywhere Renesmee Carlie Cullen" she said to me before she started heading up to the house.

"So what what happened?" My aunt Rosalie asked as she and the twins walked with us back up to the house.

"We talked."my mother said simply as we entered the house.

"Whose we?" She pressed further.

My mother set me to my feet before taking a seat on the sofa.

"The little girl." My mom said.

"A forbidden?" Rosalie gasped

My mother shook her head. "She was about Janes age."

"What did she look like maybe I know her." Rosalie asked desperately.

My mother pushed her hair back away from her face. "She looked like-" my mothers eyes looked in my direction and the quickly looked away. "- I don't know exactly she looked about eleven or twelve with dirty blonde hair and a pretty face."

Rosalie scoffed at my mothers feeble attempt at describing the girl she had talked to and walked from the room.

I walked over and sat down beside my mother. "I believe you mom." I told her.

She brushed my hair behind my ear and smiled. "Thank you lovebug."

The door to the yard opened and in walked my father, Jake and uncle Emmett. I heard Emmett tell Rosalie that they all ran the forest and couldn't find a trace of the girl that had attacked my mother. That worried me, what if she came back?

"Hey love." My father said as he joined my side. "You will be sleeping with your cousin Penelope in her bedroom tonight because we are letting our company use our side of the house okay?" He said to me.

I didn't even bother arguing with that because I haven't been able to spend as much time with my cousin as I wanted to.

Soon enough it was dinner time so I joined Matthew and Penelope in the kitchen to eat the spaghetti aunt Rosalie had cook for us. I personally didn't like the dish but I ate it without complaint.

Then it was time for my bath for the night. Even though I was not going back to school I still had a bedtime at 8:30.

My mother came in and read me a story and I was soon off to sleep.

I was standing outside staring at an empty parking lot. Where was I? Turning around I gazed at my surroundings. Behind me to my left a bit was a sign that read 'Denali Elementary'. Behind that was a small school and visible from where I stood was a fenced playground set inside the grounds.

I turned back around and gasped just as a male clasped his hand over my mouth and three me into his vehicle.

As he peeled out I began screaming for help only do have him elbow me on the face rendering me unconscious.

Sitting upright in my bed I began panting. All around me was dark and everything smelled unfamiliar and it was too quiet. Where was my Jacob?

After a few moments my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and I rose from the bed I was in. I took a few steps forward and stopped as I recalled my memories.

I remembered my mother reading me a bedtime story and me falling asleep in Penelope's bedroom.

I walked across the room to the bedroom door and opened it before I began searching for my mother and father. It struck me odd that they weren't at my side like they normally did when I had nightmares about bad things. My father read minds meaning he would have been the first to know.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out as I began sniffing the air for a trace of their scent. "Mommy?" I called out again as I headed downstairs.

So far all the rooms were empty upstairs so they must be downstairs talking about gifts and their advantage point they would have over the Volturi.

As I came downstairs to the main floor I noticed immediately that the scent was all wrong. There was no trace of anything or anyone, familiar and unfamiliar. It was as if no one was here but me. Even the silence was too great.

"Mom? Dad? Jacob?" I called out, my voice shaking with fear.

Where was everyone and why did they leave me?

I felt like I couldn't breath. I was all alone, I've never been all alone before. I began turning my head every which way to try and find someone anyone at all but I was alone.

Before I thought of crying a single year slipped down the right side of my cheek and landed on my hand causing me to jump slightly.

What was going to happen to me? Did the Volturi take out my family while I was sleeping and was now searching the house for me? The first thing that came into my mind was to protect myself and in order to do that I needed to hide. If the Volturi was in the house I needed to be outside and far away.

I sniffed the air once to make sure I wasn't in immediate danger and then made a beeline for the door. I grabbed my coat from the rack and pulled it on before I stepped out into the darkness of the night.

Where would I go? Who would take me in that I knew and trusted? I was so far away from anyone I knew. If I could make it to Forks I would certainly be able to stay with my grandma and grandpa unless they were taken too. Still I had grandpa Charlie.

That's it I would go to grandpa Charlie's.

I started running towards the forest that separated me from the human world. As I entered the tree line I felt like I was being watched. My senses wanted me to stop and take up a defense but I was afraid of what was watching and waiting for me. Because I this picked up my pace.

"Where you going?" I heard a voice call out to me. "Want to play?"

I stopped in my tracks and tried to find the source.

"I won't hurt you." The voice said again.

For a reason unknown my senses wanted me to run away as fast as I could.

This time I was going to listen. I started running again and after five minutes I was out near the highway.

If I was to go to forks I needed to go east and make my way into Canada before I drop into Washington.

I knew that it was a 40 hour drive going the speed limit which was normally 65 mph but I could make it in one day with my speed.

Vampires normally could max out at speeds of up to 200 mph and I could max out at 100 if I pushed myself. The only difference was that I could grow tired. Would I make it to Forks before the Volturi got to me?

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now