"What a freak!" You heard behind you, making you hold your books tighter in front of you.

Paper hit the back of your head as you hurried out of the school.

"You deserve to die! Just like your mother!"

This made you pause. Everything seemed to stop as soon as they mentioned your mother. You felt as though you couldn't breathe.

You ran as soon as you heard their snickers. It seemed to be following you as you made your way back home.


Tears stained your paper as you drew. The drawing was of a mutant turtle, one you had seen many times in dreams. It had a sad face and seemed to be crying with you.

You wiped the tears off your face with your sleeve and tried to not smear the ones already on your drawing.

You turned away as memories of your mother plagued you. She had been killed in a car crash. Some doctors had said she was already dead before she was in too much pain, but it still didn't settle you down.

You wished right then that someone could be there, listening to you, maybe even holding your hand, encouraging you to continue.

But you knew the kids at school would rather commit suicide than be seen with you. Your hands shook as you slightly pushed away the finished drawing.

Maybe sleep would help you.

You turned in for the night, not noticing as your drawing glowing brighter and brighter as the small figure on the paper blinked.

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