the ice princess and her trusty taser (chapter 2)

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Ruby POV

We all sat down for breakfast and started eating. I can't believe dad mad bacon and pancakes!!!

I looked over to see my yang pouring gravy on her biscuits. Then scarfing down six waffles she is definitely going to regret this later.

"So rubes are you nervous about going to beacon and auditioning" dad asked "really nervous. I'm scared my voice will crack or I will tighten my strings to much again or go to fast" I said quickly

"Ruby stop worrying about those things remember yang is going to be there the whole time and she is going to be auditioning at the same time with you and knowing yang she will check the instruments for you" my dad said with shrug and a smile

"he gots a point there and plus you always get nervous before we perform and I know how to calm you down" yang said leaning over the table ruffling my hair. Making me groan in annoyance

We got done eating and helped with the dishes. Before saying goodbye to our dad. Yang made sure everything was tightly clamped down in the back of the truck. Then we headed to vale

●●●time skip to beacon●●●

I woke up to shaking. I groaned then opened my eyes "Rubes we are at beacon already" she said with a smile

I got up and looked around this place is huge. I looked at how beautiful the building was. It was a beautiful skyscraper with dark blue tinted glass on one side and the other side was light colored wood with white edging and same tinted glass

"Are you just going to sit there and drawl or do you want to go inside" yang chuckled at me. I nodded and got out of the car and run to grab my guitar.

Yang already had her drum sticks and her backpack filled with emergency stuff.

We started to head in. Yang walked up to the girl working at the front desk to ask the lady where to go "I'm yang Xiao long I'm here to audition today with my sister ruby rose" yang said.

The girl handed here to folders. then pointed to the left and there was a grey door saying audition room. Yang handed me my folder then turned back to the front desk lady "thank you" yang said then dragging me into the audition room

"Man that was awkward" she said with groan making me giggle at her.

We walked in completely seeing the room had recording room attached to it and then two other people. A girl with bright red hair and bright green eyes. Next to her was a girl with bright blues and white hair, who was talking to the redhead

I checked the time and we are 30 minutes early!!! I looked at yang like she is crazy. We are never this really to anything "we got here this early because the traffic wasn't that bad" yang said with shrug sitting down in the chair closest to the door. I sat down next to her

"How can't you not be nervous about this" I said looking at her "I'm a little nervous but I have feeling we are going to blow there minds like our band teacher back in signal middle school" she said with confidence.

I nodded. Just try to think positive and not get extremely socially awkward when people talk to me "so what are your guys names. I'm pyrrha nikos" pyrrha asked us

"I'm ruby rose" I said fidgeting

"Yang Xiao long at your service" yang said with a playful wink. The white hair girl grimace at yangs behavior

"So what's your name" I asked the white hair girls still fidgeting

"Wiess schnee and can please stop shaking the table" she scowled at me

"I'm sorry" I said getting more and more nervous by the second

"Rubes take a deep breath and think about something happy" yang said grabbing my shoulder. Calming me down a lot "remember rubes we got this" she said putting her fist out. I instantly hit her fist with mine. She put me in a head lock then giving knuckle sandwich, making me groan in annoyance

"Stop doing that you are messing up my hair" i whined "rubes we both know your hair is going look like you went through a hurricane after this" she said with a knowing smirk making me pout

"Are you guys sisters" pyrrha asked. I nodded and yang just popped a yep "so I'm guessing you guys play rock music by the elegerect guitar and drum sticks" she asked " yeah we both play rock music but yang can rap and we also can  sing different genres of like pop, hip-hop and classical music" I answered quickly

"I sing more pop or classical and Weiss sings classical and also plays classical music on here violin and piano" pyrrha stated

I nodded "so ice princess what type of songs are you going to be playing" yang asked wiess. I looked over and saw pyrrha starting to sweat!??!

"that's none of your business and call me ice princess see where that gets you" wiess scowled at yang. Which yang brush off

"It was just a simple question ice queen" yang said "well it's none of your business" she scowled at yang again "hey can we just calm down and just be friends" I said trying to break the there staring contest "well if the ice queen apologizes maybe we can be friends" yang said with a glare "yang I suggest you stop befo.." pyrrha got cut of by a a zapping noise then a high pitch scream from yang

I look down where yang fell to the ground twitching "what the hell did you do that for!?!? All she was trying to do is get to know you!!"  i yelled while checking if she is having seizure

I made sure she wasn't gritting her teeth or biting her tongue "are you okay!!" I said still panic

She stood up and nodded "just a little dizzy" she said sitting in her chair glaring at the ice queen who glared back. Me and pyrrha sat there awkwardly. I looked over at yang again and she was still twitching lightly.

I looked at the time and we still have 17 minutes left. So I opened my folder to see paper work I had to fill out. I grabbed the pin connected to the folder. All of the questions where simple and also the rules. I look at the dorms rooms rules all of the where common sense rules expect that you have to live with your picked band for 4 years before you can change dorms or bands. Please don't let me be in the same band as the ice queen....

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