the truth(chapter 5)

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Yang POV

Everybody got into beacon surprisingly. But I still need to talk to Blake. I'm not even close to being ready to talk to her or tell her what happened after she left

I'm waiting on a bench in front of beacon. Ren, nora and ruby where waiting for me to get done talking to Blake. Its taking longer because she was the second to last next to wiess who was last to audition.

Blake come out with slight sweat running down her forehead and guitar over her back. She come over to me looking more exhausted then usual

"Okay I'm here to tell you what happened. I'm not making any excuses and I'm here to tell you everything because we both need to talk about this, if we want to clear up stuff between us" Blake said looking up at me. I nodded and she continued

"This going to be a lot to take in,So beware. So I'm going to start back to my childhood. When I was 7 I started to play guitar. After taking lessons from my dad. My dad took in a orphan who had same amount of passion in music as me. The orphan's name is Adam Taurus" she looked at me with nervous look

"Do you mean the terrorist, the crazy red head that first started with protestering against the the SED, then ended up shooting up one of there skyscraper's, and causing vale to go into a panic because there power sorse getting took out" I said looking at her with questioning look

"Yes he is but should probably say my old relationship with him. When I turned 12 we started dating, we lasted 3 years. 3 years until I saw through his lies but I was already stuck into deep shit. That's why I can't go to white fangs records or even the high school. I actually moved to patch because of him. Couldn't be close to him because he ended up getting abusive after I stop taking his shit. So I did what thought was right and run away from home and tried to live as better person" she looked so lost and scared. I have never seen her like this.
She looks more like terrified

"But still why didn't you tell me, could have helped you through all of this, you wouldn't had to go through that alone. You know I could have tooken care myself too. Why didn't you just be straight up with me. I dated you for a year and a half. Why the hell didn't you tell me you had crazy ass ex boyfriend!!!" I'm pretty sure she could tell. I'm hurt she didn't trust me enough to tell me in the first place

"Yang I'm a coward, that's why didn't tell you. I was scared of your reaction, I was scared you hating because who I was in the past!"

"Didn't know what to do. I was honestly scared when we had  our last fight before I left you. When you through that chair reminded me of how Adam started out the way he is the way he is now. I know shouldn't have judged you or compared you to him but I was really stupid. I thought you would end up like him and I forgot everything good about you and run. I regret that choice so much but the reason I didn't tell you was leaving is because he found out where i was living and I panicked and run...." by the time she was finished she was sobbing

"Blake I need time to think about everything but don't think everything is okay know because we talked. Its not going to be easy to get my trust or attention back because you left me in with not even single goodbye. How do I know you won't walk way again" I said standing up

"I'm sorry" Blake choked out. I just walked away because not about to go easy on her after what she just told me.

I walked to Ren's car where they where waiting. I took the seat in back next to ruby and leaned my head on the window " did it go" nora asked

"It went okay just a lot to take in" I said looking out the window "are you still willing to tell us what happened after the fight" ren said with a concerned tone "yeah" I said "okay but don't force yourself yang" nora said. Which I nodded in response

●●●time skip●●●

We got to there hotel. Witch had two beds and nice kitchenette and bathroom "you can sit where ever you guys like. I'll making some sandwiches" ren said going to his kitchen. Ruby sat next to me on Nora's bed and nora laid on rens bed "so what you been up to ruby!!!" Nora asked

"Well I graduated 2 years early and I mostly been practicing and helping out my family" she said with smile

Ren brought us all a sandwich and sat next to nora. Which nearly leaned onto him and rapped one of her arms around him.

I sighed getting ready to tell them what happened "so after my last fight. I was rushed to the hospital where they found out I had a crack in my skull, they said it was definitely a old wound that happened around when I was 15 or 16. The punch that caused the seizure was actually not that strong but it was strong enough to make the crack even bigger in my skull. My dad made the decision of surgery because my head had some internal bleeding. Which could be deadly if left alone. After the surgery they found out I had epilepsy and they told me I could never box again because of my skull being weaker and me having epilepsy. It would be suicide if I did box again" I explained looking out the window

"yang....." nora said looking at me
"Did I cause the skull fracture..." she said looking at me guiltfuly

"no you didn't. Do you remember when we first become friends and I went against the strong senor from flare high and the heavy blow I got from him. I pretty sure that what caused it because that's was the only time i had extreme headaches after a match" I said looking at her

"So that's why you came here and why you don't fight anymore" ren asked. Which I nodded yes to.

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