What the F**k Just Happened?

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Zhao Yun Lan has no idea where he was when he woke up feeling like his head was being split in half by an axe.
He could tell he was in a bed. There also had to be some kind of light source next to him as there was an annoyingly bright light streaming onto his face.
He cracked open his eyes and tried to adjust them to his surroundings.
He saw a very blurry, but familiar, ceiling.
"Am I at home? How the hell did I get back here? Also, how am I alive?"
Yunlan's thoughts ran everywhere as his mind swam to collect itself.
His body felt incredibly heavy and it took him some time to be able to move even a small part of it.
However, he managed to get control of his feet first and start to move them around. When the feeling in his legs came back he moved his left leg slightly to the side and hit something.
Something fat... something soft and squishy... and when the covers slightly came off he could tell it was fluffy too.
"Soft... Fluffy... Fat... Fatty!"
Said fat cat was awoken from his afternoon nap by something poking and prodding him.
But he only remembered falling asleep by his dumb owner like he had done every day for the past month. Everyone knew not to disturb him so who would wake him up? Unless...
The cat's eyes flew open and he quickly changed into human form.
"What's with all the noise? Quiet down damn cat."
Da Qing didn't even care about the names his owner was awake! After a month of not knowing whether he'll wake or not... this was a great moment for Da Qing. He had been worried
"Of course that's the first thing you say lazy Chief." But not like he would ever actually show he cared in front of Yunlan.
"Nevermind that what time is it fatty?"
"It's just after one."
Yunlan slowly managed to sit up on the bed.
Da Qing turned back into a cat and laid across his lap.
Yunlan couldn't help but pet the mass of black fur.
"How did I get back here? How long have I been out Da Qing?"
The cat knew he was serious when he used his actual name.
"Well, you've been out for about a month. As for how you got back here... we just carried you back."
"Okay... better question, how did I survive?"
"That I can't answer."
"Of course. If you can't who can then?"
"Professor Shen probably could."
"Oh yeah why didn't I think of Shen Wei- wait... he's alright? He's alive too?!"
Yunlan suddenly remembered everything that had occurred before now. All the fights and blood... and Shen... he had thought he was dead... then again if Yunlan had made it back why couldn't have Shen?
Da Qing had been startled at his outburst and decided to sit on the floor instead of the jumpy man.
"Yeah. Of course he is. Although he woke up a lot quicker than you. To be honest I thought the first question you asked would be about your lover."
Yunlan hit the cat with his foot.
"I- I just wanted to know he was alright... besides new head was a little messy for a few moments."
"Few moments, " the cat scoffed, "more like always."
Yunlan was contemplating what to do with the infuriating cat.
"Oh that's right I almost forgot!"
The cat jumped up and changed back to human form.
"Where are you going now damn cat."
Yunlan sighed as his headache came back.
"I promised the others I would call them when you woke!"
"Oh great, more noise..." Yunlan laid back down and closed his eyes.
"I wonder what Shen is up to? My Xiao Wei... come visit me soon. You better be doing well and taking care of yourself."
     His thoughts were interrupted by multiple knocks on his door.
     He didn't bother moving so Da Qing got back up and opened it.
     Zhu and Guo came into the apartment quickly with a grumpy looking Chu behind them.
     "Zhao Yunlan! How dare you almost die!"
     Zhu Hong had long overcome her crush on the headstrong chief but that didn't mean she didn't still care for him.
     "Are you alright Che- Cheif Zhao?"
     Guo was still scared of the man, especially after seeing him survive something so horrific as this, but he was happy that the Chief was awake and doing well. At least as far as he could tell.
     With his new power, Guo could tell a lot easier if someone was dead or close to death. He still didn't really know if he liked that part of his power...
     The three of them stood beside Yunlan's bed.
     "I mean didn't actually die... and I'm doing fine so far..." Yunlan was trying to calm the snake tribe leaders rage.
      "Whatever you stupid Chief." Zhu couldn't help but shake her head.
      "Also Guo I'm fine. You can stop shaking now."
     "Huh? Oh! Sor- sorry." Guo laughed nervously and tried to stay still.
     Chu put a hand on the small boy's shoulder.
     "And I'm guessing you would rather be anywhere but here, huh Chu?"
     "Of course. Like anything could kill you off."
     Yunlan chuckled. He liked to think of this like the way Chu cared even though he probably didn't.
     "Actually I was in Dixing with Black Cloak Envoy for most of this time."
      That had grabbed Yunlan's attention.
     "You were? How is he? What is he doing right now?"
     "Calm down he is fine. He's recovered well. I'm not sure what he is doing right not but when I was there last he was helping set up everything in Dixing again."
     "Yeah, you don't have to worry too much about your boyfriend." Zhu decided to tease him.
     "Hey! I'm just- just-"
     Everyone had started to chuckle at the flustered Cheif who was usually the biggest flirt of them all. Even Chu cracked a smile.
     When they managed to calm down they noticed a piece of paper fly in throw the window beside Yunlan's bed.
     It stopped in front of him as words started to appear in such exquisite and perfect calligraphy Yunlan knew it could only be from one special Dixing-ian.
     "Shen Wei..."


~1,051 words~
~So how was it? Is it good or bad? Maybe in-between? I know this is kinda a slow and boring start but we get to see my baby Shen next time 🥰~

~1,051 words~~So how was it? Is it good or bad? Maybe in-between? I know this is kinda a slow and boring start but we get to see my baby Shen next time 🥰~

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Look at his little focused face with his tongue out! So cute!~Shipwhatever

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Look at his little focused face with his tongue out! So cute!

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