Back to the Swing of Things? I guess?

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When the three of them did finally get back to Haixing Yulan was excited. Very, very excited.
So even as he was sitting in his office with his feet up on his desk in a casual position, he couldn't help but be a little anxious and uncomfortable between the legs. He hated waiting.
Shen had said that he had to stop off somewhere quickly. The Chief had wanted to go with him, but Shen had told him to just wait back at SID for the time being, and that it wouldn't take long. And in reality, only half an hour had passed, but it felt like the man had been gone hours.
So when he saw the front doors open and Shen Wei walk through he rushed out to meet him.
He was smiling like a crazy man and was going to give Shen a hug before all of his enthusiasm disappeared at the sight of Shen Wei's side.
Just too Shen's right stood a carbon copy of Shen except with silver hair. He stood half behind Shen looking incredibly nervous.
"What... the hell... is he... doing here?!" The
Chief was trying to keep his seething rage to a reasonable leave but it was seeping out.
     Shen could tell Yulan was beyond pissed but he had to keep his composure.
     "Ye Zun, come out from behind me. Don't be afraid." He started to move from his side a bit until the chief spoke up.
     "He has several reasons to be afraid." Yulan seethed. Ye Zun immediately hid even father behind Shen than before.
     "Yulan, please... I can explain everything but calm down for me? Please love?" Shen purposely made his eyes grow a little bigger as he lent towards him.
     Yunlan melted. He suspected that the black cloak envoy was just buttering him up, but he didn't care as he was his 'love'. So the chief backed off.
     Shen led Ye Zun to the couch and sat him down and then followed Yulan to his office.
     As soon as the door clicked closed, Shen began to speak.
     "Before you say anything, do you think you could hear me out?"
     "...Fine. Let's hear it then."
     "As you know, we both have been through a lot at the hands of Ye Zun, and you have every right to be mad. I will admit I was angry at first too. But Ye Zun had a reason for the things he did. When we were kids a bastard of a man took Ye Zun away from me and left me to die. During the time he was with him, he was brainwashed. He was I had left him for dead and I didn't care about him. I never know this. And when he was captured into the pillar, his hate was allowed to fester for thousands of years. It wasn't until we almost died that we put the story together and Ye Zun was broken free." Shen took a deep breath. It still hurt him slightly to think of how his brother had thought he would ever leave him for dead.
     "So everything up until now has been one, huge, sick, twisted, mixup between you brothers."
     "Simply put? Yes."
     "Okay okay, I get it then. I get why he would have such a vendetta against you. But," Yulan walked over and cupped Shen's face in his hands.
     "But what I can't get, is the image of you dying- sacrificing yourself, out of my head. I almost lost you, Xiao Wei..."
     "I know Yulan, but we are back now and together. We have each to get through this. We even have everyone in the SID to help us. But Ye Zun, he has no one but me. And he wants to make up for his past actions... please Zhao Yulan..."
     He knew Shen was serious and maybe the kid could be good with some help?
     "Fine! I relent!" Yulan let out a sigh.
     "Thank you Yulan!" Shen pulled him into a tight hug. Yulan wrapped his arms around Shen's neck.
     "And don't worry, we might be busy for a little while, but I will make good on my promise to hear those purrs." Shen leaned down to his ear and whispered.
     Yulan had forgotten about that the moment he had seen Ye Zun. He didn't know what they were going to be busy with but he was sure he couldn't enough time for his Shen Wei.
     After everything that had happened, they had decided to go home.
     The SID wasn't going to be open for at least another month and was empty,
"I guessed that's why Shen wanted to me to wait here to tell me about Ye Zun."
     And Zhao Yulan needed sleep.
     Shen and Yulan walked home with Ye Zun close to Shen's side.
     When they got to their apartments, Yulan waited for Shen to enter his with Yu Zen, before calling to him a 'good night! I'll see you in my dreams!', and then entering his own.
     That night Yulan sleep well will only a few images and dreams here and there. Mostly of his Xiao Wei of course.
     He was in a good mood when he woke up, but it became an amazing mood when he spotted a note from Shen on his bedside table.
I'm breakfast if you'd like to join. Just come over with the spare key you have.
                                                    -Love, Shen Wei
     Yulan was grinning from ear to ear as he walked over and entered Shen's apartment.
     "Shen?" Yulan walked farther until he reached the kitchen.
     He was first greeted by Shen in an apron; which was one of his favorite sites. But as he entered the kitchen he saw who else was there. Ye Zun was sitting down at the table eating already.
     Ye Zun noticed him and tried to blend in with the wall. Yulan remembered what Shen had told him the day before and decided against saying anything snarky.
     "Ah there you are! And umm good morning Ye Zun." Yulan nodded to him.
     Ye Zun didn't say anything back but nodded with a slightly surprised look.
     Shen skilled at him as he put down his and Yulan's plate of food on the table. Yulan came over and hugged him from behind.
"Thank you." Shen whispered.
"Anytime." Yulan lent forward and kissed his cheek before they sat down to eat.


~1,063 words~
~Im so so so so sorry this took so long to get too! I didn't think I would be as busy with the summer starting as I am! Thanks for being patient though! Also, welcome Ye Zun onto the scene! I don't exactly know if he should end up with anyone yet but if you guys think he should let me know who of if he shouldn't please!~

~1,063 words~~Im so so so so sorry this took so long to get too! I didn't think I would be as busy with the summer starting as I am! Thanks for being patient though! Also, welcome Ye Zun onto the scene! I don't exactly know if he should end up wit...

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Ahhhhhhh my baby Ye Zunnnnn~Shipwhatever

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Ahhhhhhh my baby Ye Zunnnnn

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