Are They Trying To Ruin My New Peaceful World?

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Zhao Yulan was in heaven. He had to be.
     He has been purely relaxing with Shen Wei on the couch since breakfast. Ye Zun was taking some beginner course of school online to learn more about this century and thing she had missed, so he was busy and couldn't interrupt. Shen was reading a few books and planning lesson for when he went back to the university. Yulan has suggested that Shen Wei just live with him and be a constant at the SID but he honestly knew Shen Wei did love his job at university.
     But even though Shen seemed busy, he raked his fingers through Yulan's hair as he rested his head in his lap.
     He was almost asleep. His eyes were heavy and darkness was overtaking him while Shen's warmth and scent were all around him... Until a shrill ringing broke the silence.
     "What the fu-!" Yulan jolted up and turned to the sound.
     It was his phone. He was pissed off someone dared to disturb this peaceful time. He glanced at Shen Wei, then sighed and picked up the phone.
     "What could possibly be so important that you had to call me on one of the most peaceful days I've had in the days I've come back from the dead?!" Yulan seethed.
"I'm sorry chief but..." It was just Wang Zheng. Yulan knew she wouldn't call unless it was urgent.
     "Wang Zheng... What's wrong?" Hearing him say that made Shen look over in concern.
"Well... Sang Zan and I came back to rework the SID archives but soon the rest of SID showed up as well. They had gotten a case directly from your father about an important case. He wants us all to start up the SID again right away."
      "I thought that wasn't supposed to be another month from now!"
"Yes, yes it was but your father-"
     "Ugg, that man... Alright, I'll be there soon. Just give me some time."
     "Of course chief, the rest of SID is already here."
     Yulan slumped back into the couch heavily and rubbed his forehead.
     "Yulan...? Is everything alright."
     Shen had taken off his glasses and leaned towards him.
     "Yeah... It's just my father handed the SID 'special' and 'important' case that hand to be handled... right now..."
     "And you don't want to go I'm guessing?"
     "Exactly. Who does he think he is?! This-"
     "Yulan it'll be okay. I have to take Ye Zun to get some clothes he likes and show him around the university a bit after I put these in my office."
     "Well alright, as long as you promise of to swing by the SID when you have time."
     "Of course I can. Ye Zun will probably be with me though." Shen Wei leaned the rest of the way and pecked him on the lips before picking up his papers again.
     "Fine... I'll see you then alright?"
     Yulan grabbed his keys and walked out the door, but before he closed it he yelled back,
     "I love you my, Xiao Wei!"
     "I love you too, Yulan..." It was quiet so Shen doubted he heard it but he did. Oh, he definitely did.
     Most of the SID members were surprised when the chief walked in a great mood. They thought he was going to be after their heads but he simply walked in with a smile asking about the new case.
     "So, what's this case about?"
     "Well, we've got the briefing here..." Zhu Hong began.
     "Great! Then what are we waiting for? That's get started on it!" the all fathered around the table to start filling him in and discussing ideas.
     "So you mean to tell me that... there's someone else trying to take over Dixing now?!Again?!"
     "Simply put, yeah." Da Qing started.
     Yulan could not believe these crazy bastards. He just comes back from the dead after one rebellion stopped and now someone's trying to do it all over again?
     Everyone only knew that the original Black Cloak Envoy might have come back. Some suspected that the Black Cloak Envoy was someone new. And no one but the SID and the twins knew that the SID was planning on returning so soon. Maybe they thought this was their chance?
     This was all just giving the chief a brand new headache on top of the old one.
     "What does he want us to do about this then? They don't even know exactly who this person is!"
     "He just said to let you take the lead."
     "Of course..," He really needed some pain killers to numb his head.
     "Fine. I'll just take a look at this in my office. You guys just clean up and organize this place back into working order while I figure this out." He started to walk away from the separating group.
     "Oh! And Shen Wei is coming down here sometime soon. He'll have a guest with him but don't freak out and just let Shen explain to you."
     They seemed confused but nodded to the chief and let him continue on his way.
     "I guess that's why he was in such a good mood today. The professor is coming for a visit. I wonder who his guest is though." Guo started to wipe down the table and desks.
     "I'm not sure but apparently there'll be explaining?" Da Qing said from the second floor.
     Chu already knew what was going on and who was coming but he preferred to see what would happen when his coworkers found out who it was.
     And he wouldn't say it anyway as the Black Cloak Envoy had told him not to anyhow.
     Yulan was still fuming in his office.
     He just couldn't understand, or maybe he didn't want to. Didn't want to believe something like this was happening so soon, once again.
"My Xiao Wei... We just came back and now it's all happening again? How could we possibly do it this time? We saw how last time around ended... Well, we do have more people on our side this time? I need you here, Shen..."


~1,061 words~
~Sorry it's been forever and this chapter is a little boring... but this is kinda a filler chapter to start the conflict of this story! I don't all the details yet but I've got a few ideas to come! If you'd like to leave some suggestions for parts of the conflict is love to hear it!~

 but this is kinda a filler chapter to start the conflict of this story! I don't all the details yet but I've got a few ideas to come! If you'd like to leave some suggestions for parts of the conflict is love to hear it!~

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