Beneath our Ark

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I still remember the night I first saw you when I ran away
Tears falling into the darkness as I searched for I place to stay
They had beaten me up and used me, just a normal day
But then I saw you in the park along the way

You stood out, a lone figure in the dark that I was drawn to
So I walked closer, silently, just so I could see you
Sat next to you and you never even bothered about the who
Simply reached out your hand and gave me a tissue

We sat and stared at the stars
The only light in the world of darkness that was ours
We stayed like that, in silence for hours
For once I felt comfort, we were just two people with scars

From that day on we met every night
In some way you were my battered knight
You helped slay my demons, really put up a fight
And then I helped slay yours, to make things right

For weeks we met in silence, never said a word
With only the stars as our witnesses and the occasional evening bird
We weilded the quietude like a mighty sword
Its edges sharp enough to cut the strongest cord

Until finally, you talked, you said your name, Mace
Then you let me see your face
The sight made my heart race
And from then I let you set the pace

Soon you took over the stars and became my light in the darkness
You held my hand, and told me I was the beauty in this world of madness
We poured out our hearts to each other and let go of the sadness
You kissed me in the dark and filled my heart with your kindness

Beneath this oak tree our love grew and bloomed
By each other we were consumed
Beneath this oak tree together our bodies moved
I gave you my innocence and you made me feel loved

It became our ark, this oak tree
In each others presence the demons would flee
We broke off our chains and set ourselves free
We showed off our scars, now proud of what we see

Every night we met under the oak unfailingly
And I'd run into your arms willingly
Just before the sun shows up you'd kiss me lovingly
We'd part ways, then run away to meet again daringly

But for years we only ever met in the dark
Until one night you gave me a ring, your mark
I was to come down to Midtown park
And we got married in the day, right here, beneath our ark.

To clear up possible confusion... An ark can also mean: something that provides safety or protection.

Thanks for reading y'all.


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