Chapter 1

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"Please, please, please? B I know you'll like it just trust me. You said so yourself you loved them." I roll my eyes at Mae. Of course I love them but I don't want to have to listen to thousands of girls squeal for 4 hours.

"For the last time Mae no! Mom bought you the tickets to take a friend. I told her, and you, that I didn't want to go." My sister straightens up and crosses her arms.

"But you're my best friend B. The only person I want to take is you. We will have the best time of our lives. If any of them were to catch a glimpse of you, you'd surely have yourself a fun night." She winks at me as I scrunch up my nose. Only my sister would make this comment and get away with it. If it were anyone else I would have punched them right square in the face.

"Mae even if that were the case I have enough respect not to give it up."

"You're talking but all I can hear is blah blah blah. I understand that you have this strong thing about respect but you'll realize you can't control when it happens." She looks at me annoyed. We've had this talk multiple times but she seems to think I won't have a say so. To bad she's wrong .

"I'm not having this conversation again and I'm not going to the concert with you." She starts pouting and I try to hide the smile creeping to my lips. I know what she going to do next.

"B I promise to buy you that Swarovski necklace you've been eyeing for months. The one with flowers going all around. I see the lust you have for it in your eyes. You want it but you won't bring yourself to get it. I'll even get the matching earrings as a bonus. Just please come to the One Direction concert with me." I smirk at my baby sister. I was aslo surprised she actually noticed I wanted that necklace. Sure we were as close as any sisters could be but when it comes to Mae and shopping, she ignores anyone and anything.

"Okay Mae I'll go with you but I'm holding it against you." She squeals in delight, jumping and clapping her hands.

"Thank you so much B! You'll be so much better than Bri or Brooke. Hurry up and get dressed we leave in an hour." I roll my eyes and start walking to my closet. "But don't you think you can wear jeans and a t-shirt. This is a special event and you aren't getting out of wearing a dress." Leave it to my sister to tell me what I can and can not do.

"What ever Mae. You're just lucky I love you."

"No my boring sister you're lucky I love you."

"Ha ha very funny I'm anything but boring. Need I remind you Mae that not many people strap themselves to the top of a car going down the road." I'm less than boring, she can't tell me I'm boring.

"You're a dare devil I give you that but you're still boring." I roll my eyes yet again at her.

"I'm not boring! Now leave so I can get ready for this stupid concert of yours." She doesn't say anything as she exits the room. I'm sure I'll hear about it later when we're done with the concert and everything.

I fumble through my closet searching for the perfect dress. My sister is truly lucky I love her. And how special is a concert any ways? I get that they're hot and all but seriously jeans and a shirt would be so much more comfortable.

Reluctantly I pull out a short sun dress and a pair of white flats. No way in hell is she getting me to wear heels to this thing. Fuck that! I'd be seen as a ho or something and I personally don't want to be called that. Especially by 12 year olds that should still be into Barbie dolls and baby dolls.

I slip on the dress and my shoes, checking in my mirror to see if it's okay. Silently I decide it's good enough for me. I walk into my bathroom to do my make up and hair. Might as well go all out or Mae will throw a fit.

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