Chapter 2

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People say you heal over time but in my case, I'll never be able to. My sister meant everything to me and I lost her. In just a split second my life was turned upside down.

Her funeral was the hardest on me. I spent many days and nights at her grave wishing it was me. She didn't deserve to have her life taken from her. 17 years is to short of a life compared to my 20.

There were reporters there and I was sure if Mae was alive she would have thought she was famous. A long life dream of hers that'll never come true. Everything she dreamed about doing was ripped away from her just as her life was.

You'd think people would leave you alone to grieve but they don't. My absent T of a father showed up and tried getting me to move in with him and his new wife. I wasn't going to move away from a place that was once mine and Mae's. It would be like I was letting go of her. I refused his offer but he said it was still open. I'd never take him up on it but he didn't need to know that.

A couple of my Uncles and Aunts showed up and it was more awkward then having my dad show up. They were never really there to get to know Mae and I. Now that she passed it was like it was mandatory of them to show.

My mother passed away a couple months before Mae. I needed her the most but unfortunately I'd never have her comfort. She was the one person that I knew that truly loved Mae and I.

So now I was on my own. No one was here for me, no one I wanted to be anyways.

I was grateful my mother was a wealthy person. She put away money for both Mae and I before she passed. I have more than what I know what to do with, or so I thought.

"Hey Parker! You got what I need?" Parker has become my new best friend. Not really though because he's my personal drug dealer. I found the only thing that takes the pain away is drugs.

"I got it as long as you have my payment and then some." He smirks at me. I've become his new sex toy. Yeah it's nasty but a girls gotta to do what a girls gotta do.

"Don't I always?" I sigh and grab a hold of his arm. We always check into this cheap hotel for a night. I don't know if I'm the only one that not only pays him with money but sex as well. To me it's easy because I feel nothing towards him and I usually take a few pills before we start.

"You know you're beautiful B. I'm lucky just to have you around my arm. Don't get yourself a boyfriend because then I'd have to kill him." He whispers in my ear, sending shivers up my spin. This guy just makes me sick but a deals a deal.

We finally enter the same room like always. There are stains on the carpet, dust all around. At first, the sight of it just made me want to barf but now I don't bother in complaining. I just want this to be over and done with.

He rapidly closes the door behind him and takes a few steps close to me. The closer he gets the faster my heart starts to beat. He slowly wraps his arms around my waist, slowly placing his nose in my hair as he takes a profounded breath.

"Oh, you smell so good."

I allow his hands to feel eagerly down my arms. He grasps onto them lightly guiding them to the back of my head while pushing me deeper into the wall. His eyes beam with lust as he his gaze dances along the curves of my body. Pushing him self against my tense body he let one of his hands slither impatiently up my neck. Tilting it to my right causing it to out stretch to the exposed cold air. Shivers lurch down my spine as he places his chapped lips on my smooth skin. He sucks and molds his lips aggressively against my shoulders .

Low groans start escaping from his throat while pushing deeper into me. Nothing of what he was doing felt right, his touch just left cold and emotion less marks on my skin. A gasp shockingly left my lips at feeling his extremely large member press against my bare inner thighs. He let his hands glide down my body, sliding them down to my ass as he grips, making a moan pass through my lips. Grasping me harder he lifts me up in a swift movement, striding over to the already unmade bed. His lips leave my neck only to slam them to my lips. He nibbles and licks my bottom lip aggressively pleading for entrance.

I uneasily open my mouth and his tongue immediately glides in, dancing with mine in swift and impatient movements. Laying me on the soft plop surface, he continues his exploration. His tongue prancing with mine while his hands leave uneasy patterns on my thighs. He leans back panting allowing me to catch my own breath. He looks down at me, his firm yet tough hands trace my body with rhythmic strokes gliding down to my mounted hips. He slowly pulls at the hem of my shirt cautiously sliding it up, he stops right above my belly button.

Taking it as an immense advantage he gently starts snaking his hands under my shirt, causing me to go ridged in contact. I try not to glower at him. He continues lifting my shirt till its about over my head. Only thing exposed is my black lacy bra, I arch my back allowing him to slither his arms under me. He eagerly unclasps my bra tossing it over his broad shoulders. His green eyes, with a hint of blue, linger as his eyes gaze set upon my breasts.

His hands dive to the buckle of my shorts. Growls escape his dry lips as he tugs and pulls at the ruff fabric with eagerness. In a swift movement my shorts sre off and on the floor. With my body so exposed it sent even bigger shivers down my spine. He expeditiously unbucklez his jeans and slides out of them, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. This time he hovers over me as he guides kisses up my breast and circles his lips around my nipple.

He continues sucking and I can feel him harden against me. He lets his hands fall to my waist as I grip onto his boxers and slowly start to pull them off. His tongue deliberately flickes my nipple making hushed moans escape my lips. I quickly look back up at him, his gaze holds a speck of concupiscent as he roams my body with his eyes. He steadily lets his body drag over me as he spreads my legs and pushes him self inside of me slowly.

My mouth parts at the feeling him thrusting in and out of me with an accumulated pace making gasps and moans come unwillingly. He lets his head fall in the crock of my neck while he sucks and nibbles at it. My hands find their way to his back. I scratch and dig in to his skin as he slams even harder into me. Making the shushed moans turn into screams of pleasure and desire. Pulling my self even closer to him I arch my back and spread my legs even further as I come closer to my climax. Groans and growls come from him at the feeling of me helping him with the rhythmic pace.

My orgasm is just a finger tip away and with one quick thrust I finally come undone. Parker slowly pulls out of me letting all his come fall on my stomach. Heavy breaths start to leave my lips as he pushes him self off of me. His breathing is quick, making his chest move with unsteadiness.

"I don't see why it takes you so long to warm up to me. Every time we do this you're always so rigid. I take it as insult and it wounds me deeply. I'm so gentle with you B. I've never been gentle with a girl." I glare at Parker.

"You're making it sound like we're in a relationship. We do this because it's part of our deal. Maybe if you weren't a creep and I had feelings for you, it'd be different." I say as I get dressed. "So go find yourself an actual girl friend that could care for your sorry ass." I take the drugs out of his hands and walk out the door.

"You're a cold hearted bitch you know that? Could it kill you to at least pretend you like me?" He screams down the hall.

"Sorry that's not the person I am!" He's stupid to think I'd do something as thoughtful as that just to make him feel better.

I hope you guys like it. My smut writer tried her absolute best with this. She's recovering from surgery so you should totally say something to her. Credit for the smut goes to just_weird_girl. I'm so thankful that she is willing to help me with it :) -Bay

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