Chapter 3

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"Omg! Did you hear that One Direction are coming back here. They haven't been here since that Mae chick died. What was that 2 years ago? I wonder what has made them decide to come back." I glare at the young teenage girl. How can she just put it like that? That chick Mae? Really that is just, ugh it's aggravating. People don't have respect for the dead and they should.

"Oh I know! I'm crazy excited to finally go to another concert of their's. It's long over due in my book."

"Come on we have to start shopping for the best concert outfit ever." They take off after a taxi cab. They're dressed in high fashion clothes so you know their parents have money.

Why were those imbeciles coming back here anyways? Didn't they learn the last time that they were here. My sister paid the ultimate price of being at their concert. If I even see any one of them I will avenge the death of Mae. It should have been one of them instead of her. Now they have the guts to come back here only after 2 years. They should never come back, ever!

I quickly take a couple pills that Parker gave me the other day. I know if Mae saw me now she'd be disappointed in what I've become on her behalf. I'm not the same as I was when she was alive. I've become a drug addict, shut everyone around me out and I've given up on life in general. I still have Mae and I's apartment that we got after mom died. Before I went to drugs I made sure to have it set up to where I wasn't allowed to touch Mae's inheritance. Her half pays the bills while mine gets blown on my drugs. If I were to use Mae's, I know she would probably come back and haunt me for it.  

My clothes don't fit me the way they use to. They're all baggy and dirty from me not caring enough to wash them or even buy new ones. I turn to the store with the televisions in the window just to get a glimpse into what's happening now. Last week there was a crisis in Isis or where ever it was.

Just my luck! Of course they would be talking about the return of One Direction. Can't people talk about anything else because I'm seriously over it. Maybe after their 5 minute discussion about them, there will be something worth learning about.

"Don't you want to know why they are finally coming back? I know I wouldn't come back to a place where one of my fans died at my concert. Even if it wasn't my fault I'd still feel pretty guilty about it. I'd hate the possibility of running into any of her family. I'm sure someone blames them for what happened to her." Finally someone who thinks like me. I think I actually like the Karen girl now.

"Well what about that sister of hers? I'm sure she blames them for what happened." George says to her.

"I'm sure she has probably gotten over the fact that her sister died. You can't grieve the loss of someone for the rest of your life. Even if you were as close as you could be. Besides it really wasn't the bands fault for what happened. The young girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Who stays after a concert as longs as they did?" Dave says angering me even more. It was to their fault, just because they're famous doesn't mean they should get away with it.

"Hopeful fans my dear friend. Plus I'd hate to have to work my way through the traffic of a One Direction concert. I think it was rather smart of them to wait til it cleared to leave." Karen shoots back at her co host. " Any how we have a message from the band." The scene on the t.v changes into 5 boys sitting in a living room.

"Hey there everyone we wanted to do a little video for you. We know we haven't visited one of our favorite places in a while. But I'm sure you've heard the exciting news. We are as excited as you to come back to the beautiful city of Miami." Harry says smiling to where he is showing all his teeth.

"We just wanted you to know that we are absolutely sorry for kinda abandoning our fans there." Zayn says looking to Louis
"So this year we have decided to make up for lost time. During this tour we will be doing four to five shows in Miami alone. We hope you guys forgive us and that you'll come to the concert." He pulls a funny face while Liam begins to speak.

"We will also be doing a few signings in Miami as well. We hope that you all understand how hard it was for us to leave Miami out but we needed time to get over what happened during our last visit there" I almost gave in to all my anger. Liam was the one I liked most out of all them. He was an easy person to read and I could see the hurt in his eyes when he spoke. It wasn't enough for me to forgive them and  forget what happened to Mae.

"We want to also say that we're sorry for the loss the family had to suffer. We know it couldn't have been easy to lose a loved one the way you did. We want to invite the family to a special event to give our condolences. We want to show the family how sorry we are for what happened." Niall says looking to the other boys as they nodded.

"We hope that the family will join us, especially Mae's sister." Liam pipes in quickly.

"Love you guys but we have to go now. Hope to see you lovely people soon." They all wave to the camera and soon the screen is back to the news team.

"Isn't that so sweet. Well I would defiantly go any where with any one of those boys. Who knows maybe Mae's sister will show up and they will end up becoming good friends and we will see more of these boys in Miami." Well Karen that's where you're wrong and congratulations, you're back on my bad side.

"We will be right back after these messages." George you suck even more. I can't stand here any longer, I need to get home.

Fucking boyband! Everyone thinks they can't do no wrong and that everyone will just bow down at their feet. Not me! I'm the one they want the most at that little event and I'm not going. They think It'd be that easy. Think again you spoiled fuckheads. Go suck up to my father because you're not getting my forgiveness.

Hiiiii I'm so sorry it's so late but I've been a bit busy. I've been moving place to place recently. But here is Chapter 3! I'm super excited to be writing this fanfic. :)

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