Chapter 4

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"You are going and that's final. I don't care how old you are, they invited you so you're going. They want to apologize for what happened to Mae. They're being rather kind seeing as it wasn't even their fault. I will send Sandra over later to take you to go get a dress." Fucking parents thinking they fucking know it all. News flash they don't!

"You can't make me go against my will. Even if you are my father, you're no longer in charge of  me. Once I hit 18 I became an adult and my own person. Sorry but I'm not going." He's insane if he thinks I'll be going and accepting those idiots apologies.


"Guys shes here!" Harry screams running into the dinning area of the convention center we rented. Louis and Niall mumble unpleasant things while Zayn, Harry and I are rather excited she showed. Louis was way against the idea of hosting this party and Niall was quick to join him. Niall was more or so still hurt by the accusation this girl pinned on us. We never hurt her sister yet she still blames us. She shouldn't be blaming anyone but the person who shot Mae. 

Without her family knowing about it, us boys have had a PI on Mae's case since her funeral. We knew with closure the family would feel better. It took a while but he found the man that shot her. He said it was extremely hard to find him because who ever he worked for was good at hiding things. Unfortunately we don't know who the master mind behind everything is.

Everyone thinks that this event is for us to give our condolences when in reality it is for us to share our information with Mae's sister.

"You all know the plan right?"

"Yes and I don't see why we couldn't have just put the evidence in the girls mail box with a note inside. In case you have forgotten she wasn't fond of us the last time we met. She hates us and I'd rather not die."

"Louis you're not going to die and it's not nice to just leave something as big as this in the girls mail box. Get over your self! Besides we do still need to give our condolences. So stop being a little bitch about it and put your big boy pants on." Harry shoots him a look and Louis stays quiet.

"Okay no ruining tonight, any of you." I say looking at both Niall and Louis. "This needs to go the way we planned it. This family has gone through something horrible. Be on your best behavior or I swear you won't have a penis, if you can't act like a man you don't need one."

"Gosh Liam didn't think you'd threaten us. You need a couple chill pills because damn mate." Zayn says laughing. "Don't worry boys he won't cut your man-hoods off, just don't be mean. Pissing him off will only cause him to get mad and beat the living shit out of you. Now come on, we have guests we must attend to." Zayn walks out the door lightly chuckling. Pretty soon we're all walking out  laughing, all seriousness set aside.

I walk up to the stage followed by the other boys. Harry rushes to the mic, deciding himself that he'd be the first to start.

"Attention everyone." The talking slowly starts to die down and all eyes are on us. "Thank you all for coming. We assume that you are all family and friends on Miss Mae. It means so much to us that you all have joined us tonight. Please feel free to do as you please." I yank the mic out of Harry's hand before he can tell an inappropriate joke.

"We would like to talk to everyone here so we can get to know you and so you know that we truly care for your loss. In the dinning area we have tables set for everyone. I hope you don't have a problem with stake and lobster. And for those of you that who are vegan, we have tofu and veggies in peanut sauce. We have set up a place for us to watch a video that Mae's father gladly made for us. So please stay and watch. Again thank you all for coming." This entire time I'm scanning the crowd looking for the one person I wanted to talk to most. I needed her to see that it wasn't our fault.

One by one we all make our way around the room to talk to everyone. You could really tell which ones knew Mae better. I know with a big family it's hard to keep up with everyone but there is always that one person that keeps tabs. In this family it was only the people on the mother's side that knew Mae. Her friends really knew her and then of course there was her dad and sister. 

Her dad was warm and welcoming but as for B, she was very sour towards us. I could see her father giving her looks but all she would do was roll her eyes. In the middle of the conversation she walked off without even telling her father where she was going.

"Sir if it's alright we would like to talk to B alone. I know being here with everyone again must certainly be a lot for her and we would like to try and get through to her. We know she blames us for what happened and we want to change that." Zayn has a big heart and I'm glad he was the one to ask him.

"You boys can try but when B gets like this, it's hard to change her mind. She's more like her mother then she will ever know. Just let me know how it goes yeah?" He says patting Zayn on the shoulder.

"Of course." And with that we all walk in to the direction B went. You'd think it'd be easy to find her but it really was a challenge. We opened every door looking for her. When we were just about to give up we heard crying coming from the balcony. 

"Well at least she picked nice place to sit and cry." I swat Niall in the back of the head and give him a disapproving look." God Liam I was just saying. She knows good places to pick when she wants to be alone." He comments glaring at me.

"Enough you two!" Zayn hisses at us.

We all tip toe to the balcony door and quietly open it. I catch B taking a couple pills from her purse and putting them in her mouth. All was good until Harry tripped us all causing a domino effect to happen. We really need to work on that boy!

"What the hell are you doing here? Can't you see I want to be alone?" She sullenly asks us as she abruptly gets up. Louis looks like he is ready to say something rather rude but luckily Harry is quick to cover his mouth.

"We only came to talk to you. We know you blame us for what happened to Mae an-" That's all Zayn could get out before she blew up at him.

"Don't you dare say her name again! You don't have the right to say it." Okay well this seems to be a bigger task then we thought.

"Sorry." He says smiling a little." We want to change how you feel about us. We know how much your sister meant to you. Any of us would die if anything happened to anyone of our family members, blame anyone near us for what happened to them. But we wouldn't make it to where we blamed people for forever. We know you're still morning the loss of your sister even though its been a few years. It's hard dealing with a loss and we want you to know that we are truly and deeply sorry. We aren't criminals and we aren't the ones you need to blame. I'm going to tell you something that only us 5 know. We haven't shared this information with anyone but we're going to share it with you. Do with it as you will but just remember we aren't the bad guys." Zayn looks to Niall and asks him for the folder.

"Now B please keep an open mind. We've spent years getting this information, information the police couldn't even get. Are you ready?" She reluctantly nods her head and he continues. "We found the man that shot your sister but we couldn't find the man that hired him. Turns out your sister wasn't who everyone thought she was. She was into some bad stuff, stuff she hid from you because she probably thought you'd hate her."

"My sister wasn't into anything bad! She was the light everyone needed in their life. Whatever you have made up about her, I don't want to hear. You five are the reason she is dead. No need to dig into it anymore."

"B listen to Zayn. We haven't made anything up. We just wanted your family to have some sort of closure. Just take the file and read it if you want because we know it's hard to hear something like this about the person you thought you knew the most." She aggressively grabs the folder from Zayn and takes off back into the party. "Read it please!" I scream after her. She replies with her middle finger raised in our direction.

Harry finally lets his hand fall from Louis's mouth. The words that came out of his mouth shocked us all.

"Damn that girl's got style! If she didn't hate us I'd totally take pointers from her." We all laugh and head back to the party ourselves. It's going to be a very long rest of the night.

I know it's pooh but hey I had the day off work and thought I'd write something. I put a picture of the dress B wore to the party. Hope you enjoyed it anyways :) xx Bay

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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