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  Well this is fun. The guys had to put on some sort of disguise so nobody would see them. I was leading the group and ashley was close to me. Let me tell you he is protective of me and its weird. We went into hot topic and we all split up into groups. Cc and andy were by the bracelets, Jake and Jinxx were looking at tshirts and Ashley and I were looking at jackets. "Ashley, I think I want to get my lip pierced " I whispered not wanting anyone else to hear. "REALLY! YES LETS GO RIGHT NOW!" he screamed back at me. well there goes my secret plan. We went over to the guys and told them the plan. Well Ashley did he was kinda mushing his words together. I think he got a little excited. "okay. meet us in the food court when your done guys" Andy said looking more at Ashley to make sure he understood. We walked around untill we found the piercing place. God im nervous all of a sudden. Ashley must have noted cause he put a hand on my shoulder. "its your choice, cupcake" he smirked at me. I stuck my tounge out at him and ran into the shop.      

    "im an idiot" I mumbled holding a tissue to my lip. "nah dont say that it looks amazing in you" Ash said pokeing my side makeing me giggle. uh oh I know that look. "STOP! STOP! I DONT WANNA BE TICKLED!" I yelled between laughing fits. I broke free and ran ro the food court and hid behind CC "whats wrong kiddo" he said laughing at me. I pointed at Ashley who was casually walking up. "what did I do" he said innocently.  I gave him a death glare untill his eyes widened and he hid behind Andy. "okay children. calm down. what do you guys want?" Andy asked. Every one said what they wanted. They turned to me. "oh.. uh... im not hungry but thanks." I said faking a smile. They traded looks and shrugged. We all sat down and people gave us looks. I can understand I mean five guys in hoodies and a girl sitting together whispering back and forth. Truth is the guys were scared to get seen. Before I realised the conversation turned to me. "So tell us about you becca. we really dont much" Cc smiled.  "uh well I was put in the orphanage when I was 11 after being in an abusive home" at this the guys faces lost that look of happiness. "um at the orphanage I was messed with untill I met matt. He stood up for me a lot. Then I took my friends ipod when she left to be adopted. Thats how I found you guys. I slowly became obsessed with the band. then there was the promise and the adoption and now we are here." I finished. say something.. anything.. They guys were so quiet. "I-im so sorry.." Andy choked out. Ashley put an arm around my shoulders and hugged me. "I think we should go home.." cc said barely about a whisper. we all looked at him confused. he lifted a finger and pointed to a group of girls who were huddled together giggleing and pointing at us. "oh... shit...RUN!" Everyone jumped up and followed Andys orders. We were running and heard screaming and runnimg behind us. " DA DA DA DA DADADADA!" cc was trying to scream while running. Ha im faster than most of them. Andy and I were head to head and it became a competition not just running. We took a corner and ran all the way out if the doors and to the car we took here. I slammed into it just barely beating Andy. I climbed in and so did the others. Cc was driving.  oh god. we finally stopped at a red light and started laughing our asses off. "Haha I beat you!" I screamed at andy who was right besides me in the back. He just rolled his eyes and laughed. I was kinda sitting on andy and ashley since there wasnt enough time to fix the middle seat in the front. I started to fix it but Ashley pulled me back. woah, that was weird.. what ever he is probably just playing. I started to sing lost it all as it played from the radio that was hooked up to someones phone.We finally pulled up to the bus and got out. "you should sing more often" Andy whispered in my ear as he walked past me to open the door. I simply smiled and got in. I ran to the couch and stretched out before anyone else could get in. After everyone came in the room got kinda quiet. "we need to talk becca.."

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