this will be fun

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     Andy followed me in and I looked down once I felt three pairs of eyes in me. "Guys,  I am happy to introduce you to out new sister. Rebecca." the next thing I knew I was in the middle of a group hug. I smelt leather, peppermint, cigarettes, and to me it was really comforting.  Everyone let go of me and sat back down on the couches. I didnt know were to go untill CC patted the empty spot besides him. I sat down slowly and looked at everyone. I guess I had a strange face on because jinxx asked if I was okay. "Y-yeah, I just love youguysandyouallsortasavedmylife.." I mumbled quickly.  I think CC was the only one who caught the whole thing because he looked worried. "woah wait. calm down and repeat except slower" Ashley said. I nodded. "im okay its just, I was really depressed and one day I decided I was gonna take my life.. I heard In The End about five minutes before and it just kinda stuck ya know.. I made a silent promise that if I ever met you guys I would thank you.. so um thank you." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. I felt CC wrap his arms around me and hug me so did everyone else. "we are here now. we will be a family. we'll look out for you I promise" Andy said. everyone else just nodded in agreement.  "I-i love you guys" and with that I fell asleep cuddled up to CC. I felt myself being picked up. "damn she's light guys. I wonder if she has been eating?" shit. I thought to myself. I was laid on a bunk and I heard everyone else got to bed. "night guys." I heard jake whisper.

       I was the first one to wake up. I got up and put my legs over the side and almost screamed as I realised I was on the top bunk. I slowly made my way down the ladder and into the 'kitchen'. coffee. I started a pot and went outside. it was nice out this morning. I sat on the ground to think for a minute. okay so in the last twenty four hours ive been adopted by black veil brides, found out my best friend loved me, and had my first kiss. holy shit. I stood up and walked back inside to find ashley up and making a cup of coffee.  He had no shirt on. I blushed as he turned around. "morning sunshine" he said loud enough for me to hear but to not wake up the guys. "morning ashley" I said as I made my coffee. I went and sat on the couch beside ash. "your really quiet you know" he said to me. "I dont trust myself to talk to much yet I might scream" I said blushing again. "oh haha its okay I like your voice so talk on- hmm I need a nick name for you" he said smiling. "everyone calls me becca" I shrugged. He was quiet for a minute. "I think ill call you ralph" he said winking at me. omg he winked at me my inner fangirl was screaming. "please dont please.  or or else ill call you sara" I said back. he gasped which startled me a little. He jumped up and got down on his knees like he was begging "oh no anything anything but sara"he pleaded and I stood and laughed. "then I wont be ralph" I said and smiled. He got up and laughed a little. i walked back to the kitchen to find something to eat. "okay cupcake" he said. "cupcake. yep I like it you have no choice." he said to me with a smile I nodded and continued my search. after about five minutes I gave up. " hey, wanna wake up the guys?" he whispered to me and grinned. I nodded and he handed me a pillow I got Andy and jinxx and he got Jake and CC. we slammed the pillows on them and ran outside laughing our asses off. we walked back in to four very moody shirtless people. "want coffee?" I asked they shook their heads "more for me" I giggled.  Andy was leaning on CC who was half asleep and jinxx had sretched across the other couch on top of jake leaveing me and ashley to fight over the chair. he won so I laid on the floor. "wanna go to the mall guys?" CC asked we all sprung up and screamed yes. I ran into the bathroom and changed into my ptv tank top and some black skinnies.  I added a bvb winged necklace. I did light make up to make my eyes pop. I brushed my hair and walked out. everyone stared at me. " what is something wrong?" I asked looking at my outfit. Andy pointed at my wrist.  "fuck" I mumbled before running back into the bathroom and locking the door. I broke down crying. "Becca unlock the door please.." I heard Jinxx say. I unlocked it and he rushed in and hugged me. "shh it will be okay.. I promise you that.." he whispered to me.  I just sobbed into his shoulder. 

Jinxx lead me back into the sitting room.  I had a few of his bracelets on he let me borrow.  "guys im so sorry.." I said trying to not shake anymore. "when was the last time?" jake asked. " about a week" I saw the hurt in everyones eyes. I just looked down and started to cry again. everyone hugged me and after a while cheered me up.  " lets go to the mall bitches!" ashley yelled. This will be fun.



       Becca                      ashley

       Andy                       jinxx

       CC                            jake

    hey guys! um this is kinda a first story for me so if it sucks I already know.  but anyway I will try to update everyday. I need a female character to meet with becca at the mall. any ideas if so please coment. I love you guys thank you for reading! 


        ~toxic dreamer

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