f u b u k i s h i r o u .

643 24 7

暴食。 | voracity [fubuki shirou x reader]

1 . h o r r o r

each glance shared let's him crave for something more than flesh. ❞

What a godawful day.

(Name) could never, ever understand what's happening. Nor does she even want to understand what's happening. In a situation like this, she'd rather be some ignorant dumbass than someone who's aware.

Deaths have been happening left and right. It wasn't like it was a major thing, not unless you count the fact that each death appears, missing organs or body parts happen.

It was a frightening sight. She was a witness of one of them. The killer— no, that's not the word to use to describe whoever's doing this. The monster was nowhere in sight. This monster could be anywhere and the police aren't getting anywhere with each death happening.

She never felt safe alone, especially when the death rate has been gradually increasing. And each crime scene became bloodier, gorier even. For a horror movie fanatic herself, she felt disgusted at the actual sight.

Most of the people in Hakuren are aware of the (Hair Color)-haired girl's love for horror and thought of how ironic it was for her to feel like puking out her own stomach. And she found this a bit offensive herself, seeing as there were more horror loving people than her. She even met some who were obsessed with seeing scenes that are occurring in her school.

"Just because I like scary movies doesn't mean I'm okay with them being real. Heck, I'm not the only one who likes horror movies in this school," she glared into her locker before slamming it shut, heaving a sigh as she pressed her head against the cool metal of the locker door. "That's like saying I'll be a sadist if I'm smiling at someone's torture."

School work stressed over her entire thoughts and failing was never an option or a choice she'll take. However, gossip began to plot against her and almost all of her classmates would tease her about it. Her friends were there back her up, but it didn't look like they would stop for the time being.

Speaking of friends, they were already staying in their own classroom and all she had to do was grab a few things and meet another of her friend, who texted her moments ago that he'd be coming.

"(Last Name)-chan!" And there he is. Instantly, a smile graced her face and she turned away from her locker to look at her silver-haired friend approaching. His own charming smile on his face. "I'm sorry to make you wait for me," apologized Shirou.

She shook her head, giving a thumbs up as if saying 'it's okay'. "Nah, don't apologize. I wanted to wait for you anyways, but you usually aren't this late. Something came up?" Curiously inquired the female.

"Ah," he spoke hesitantly, strangely a bit flustered in a way. "Atsuya suddenly came up sick and I had to let him take the medicine." She placed a hand over her mouth, trying not to spill any giggles out from imagining his own brother trying various ways to avoid taking the medicine.

"Understandable," (Name) choked out from her giggles.

Shirou took a good glance into her bright hues. He never really understood why, but whenever he'd get lost in her (Eye Color) eyes, she'd simply stare back before pointing it out. It wasn't like it was a bad thing — no, in more ways than one it was worse, but there was one good thing.

He shied away when he knew he was staring for too long and the small smirk on the girl's face never helped the small blush that dusted his cheeks. "I was dazing off again, wasn't I?" He smiled, embarrassed.

"It took you a long time to realize that," (Name) jokingly simpered after seeing the male flushed a darker shade of red. "I'm just teasing Fubuki. Let's just get going."

Even though it was just a simple, friendly smile, his mind seemed to run wild. And seeing her bright (Eye Color) hues light up brightly for seeing him was slowly getting to him.

He could only gulp back whatever was about to overcome him, licking his upper lip as they both walked to class together.

Maybe that guy he passed by was such a waste after all.


Sorry if he's OOC in any way

Idk why but this concept just came up

This isn't an official story since I had this for quite some time

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