f u b u k i a t s u y a .

399 15 1

泥棒。 | swiper [fubuki atsuya x reader]

2 . l i e s

it's threatening enough already. ❞

Her (Skin Color) fingers smoothly trace down the glass pane window, watching the snow gracing the city gently. Sad to say, it hadn't brought her any ounce of peace for a year. She uncomfortably shifted on her bedside, keeping her blanket around her, waiting for warmth to embrace her whole.

Pathetic was what she felt right there and then. Subduing herself down to becoming a dummy to mess with out from the monster's sadistic nature and malicious enjoyment. It was awful and she felt ashamed for not fighting back. That didn't mean she had plans to do so, of course. She hadn't given up that easily, at least not for now. Drowning herself with this self-doubt was how much she hated how her life has turned to.

She continued to shift around in her place that she hadn't realized how far she moved over to the edge. A yelp hiccuped from surprise, arms flailing around for something to grab onto, only to take a hold of the drawer, bringing both her, her drawer and lamp down to the floor. "Fuck..." she scowled, slowly sitting up from her place and getting up back to lay back to where she originally laid on, not before fixing the objects back to their place.

Rushed footsteps were heading to her room, alerting the (Hair Color)-haired teen of someone's arrival to her room soon, making her panic back to position. Her door was pushed open, revealing her mother's surprised and concerned look. "Honey," her mother spoke in her worried tone, concern written over her face. "Are you alright? I heard something from the living room."

She gave out a nervous chuckle. "Y-Yeah. I'm alright. I accidentally slept and then I dropped down on the floor."

She raised a brow, observing the gleam in the young teen's eyes. "You look frightened. Do you need anything? Water, perhaps?" Her lips pursed together into a straight-lipped look.

(Name)'s eyes stared at her for a second, not before she pressed herself against the glass, orbs following back to the many houses across from their side of the street. She found herself peering over a family across from their home with the children tossing around snowballs at each other. The mother seemed to join in while the father burst out laughing along his family, camera in his hand, ready to picture the memory that they'll cherish. The mood on her face, however, wasn't one full of joy at all. Envy painted her (Eye Color) hues when she sighed.

Properly shifting in her place on the window seat, she folded her arms on riff, her chin resting on them. "No. No thanks. I'm just... very stressed out today." Her eyes caught her mother's reflection from the glass, seeing the confused face of her maternal figure frowning. Oh, the amount of guilt swelling in her heart from the reaction to her white lie.

"Struggling with schoolwork? I told you that you may ask me for help if you're troubled," she reminded. The (Hair Color)-haired teen never forgotten that. And she felt herself trying so desperately to keep herself from asking so. If only she wasn't threatened by such a horrible creature that tortured her life like this, then maybe she wouldn't feel so out of place in her own home. So distant from her family.

Her next choices of words were well-thought, composed to choose the correct response without having to provoke the people she'll speak with and walk away without so much as a fight — unless the person themselves were pretty much dense or stubborn. They were supposedly the difficult ones she'd consult against.

About to finally speak her problems after keeping them to herself, the moment she met what —perhaps who would be easier said— was behind her dear mother, she could only keep her words shut up inside for a while longer.

The malevolent smirk, much to her chagrin, wordlessly threatened for her lips to stay shut, even so much as to bring his index finger over his lips; a hushed motion. Despite the strong front, her heart was pouring with pained cries and tears. She despised him. No, she despises him for as long as her life would last.

Craning her head to face her mother, who's still waiting for her answer, she breathed in the frustrated scream before it flew from her throat and tilt her lips up into a strained smile. "I guess I'm growing up into a big girl now mom. I gotta learn to do things on my own, just like what you told me when I was younger," she beamed. (Mother's Name)'s eyes held doubt for her excuse as she watched her daughter stumbling over to her bag that slouched near her desk, hands roaming through her bag for her books.

Stealthily glancing back to behind the doorway, an approving nod was given from the sneaky fox creature and a gloomy look fell on her face. "Oh, I see..." she trailed off. Suddenly, the voice of her father entered her room, blocking her view of the kitsune as he called out both of their names. He looked to have a smile painted on his face before it tilted down from the atmosphere.

"Is everything alright here?" His gaze casted down on his (Hair Color)-haired daughter, who shied from his stranger out look, even when he already felt as if he knew what's happened.

His wife simply simpered, taking his hand as they both turned around to leave. "I'm afraid she's too busy to eat out tonight too. School is quite a busying thing and we wouldn't want to stop her from her studies," she told, though she didn't sound sincere about her feelings about it. Sadness melted in her voice.

As they're muttering slowly faded into the small hallway, she softly smacked her book against her face. When will I actually tell them about this? I miss the old times... Tears soaked her thick cover.

The old times...


Sorry if he's OOC in any way

This was long than any of the chapters I've made, even the one for Kiss of Death xD

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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