f u b u k i a t s u y a .

394 19 3

泥棒。 | swiper   [fubuki atsuya x reader]

1 . s l y

she's never alone, not anymore. ❞

"God— where the hell is it?!"

Her hands flew to the counter where she left her gadget, panic flooding through her. In her mind, it was settled on who'd stolen her phone and that got her legs moving with raging adrenaline. When she threw her door open with a slam, she was hit on the face with a piece of article.

Specifically, hers.

"Ugh- screw you too!" (Name) grunted, heading to her dresser. Rummaging through them, she shoved some of her clothes to the side in search of what she's looking for, finding none before slamming it shut and doing the same process again. It was not located in her dresser. She headed to the pile of clothes that weren't there next to her window.

The sound of her dresser opening all of it's drawers again burst in her ears and she knew that she had to find it quick. God, did she want to jump out of her window if she didn't value her life all that much.

(Name) scavenged through the many clothes that'd been tossed around her room, her aura flaming in rage. No other pain could possibly matched the searing headache forming right now. Especially when she felt another one of her socks flung to her from her dressers. A newly folded one at that fact.

"Ugh!" She snarled furiously, taking the clothing off her head and chucking it back to where it came from. "Just stop it, for fuck's sake!" She screamed, feeling her voice being ripped from her throat, feeling dehydrated. That never stopped the shuffling from the many drawers, dressers, and closets full of clothes from launching out one by one from the small hurricane formed in her room; literally.

Her fingers stretched around the object of her need, scrunching her nose up from annoyance. With an unsubtle grunt, she lunged herself into the pile of clothes ranged from her typical outdoor getup to her sleepwear. How unfortunate she was was what she had in mind.

"He's such a bitch... Can't he just dig himself a hole and die in it forever!?"

Then, her (Eye Color) orbs brightened in delight as the tip of her fingers glazed the cover of her device, desperate enough to reach for it. Stretching further, ignoring her own pain from doing so, she snatched her phone from the messy assortments and recoiled back to her bed, the only safe place she's unfortunately left with.

Hastily, she stole a quick glance to her phone. 23 missed calls from her mother.

"Wonderful! Just wonderful!" She exclaimed with an ungenerous amount of sarcasm. Increasing her frustrations was the sadistic snickering bouncing from the walls of her mind. The (Hair Color)-haired girl found her patience on thin thread, ready to snap at any moment.

Where was that once strong rope of tolerance and patience she had? If she were to say it was wasted on a year of miserable luck and on a inhumane creature, would she be thought of as crazy?

Yes, and that monster took advantage of it as well.

"Fuck off already!" She growled. Nothing changed, which sent her temper to blaze.

It was tearing her sanity into broken pieces to even more broken pieces with that snide snickering and the painful unbeknownst feeling of something —more like someone— toying with her from who-knows-where made her wish to snap their necks. This being, however, would've simply found enjoyment in her threats.

"I said FUCK OFF!" (Name) painfully exclaimed, tears brimming at the edge of her eyes from the excruciating feeling.

Malicious laughter chimed louder before gradually disappearing into hushes, and the sound of her doorbell finally reached her ears.

偽る。 | deceive 【various! inazuma eleven】Where stories live. Discover now